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GUESS WHO IS BACK FROM THE DEAD. me. sadly, it is me. why was i dead? well firstly i was at the wINGS TOUR IN SYDNEY (!!!) and then i was just lazy af. but i have this story fully planned out notes n all so when i get some sort of energy, i'll write it out. ps: i might edit some previous chapters bc im lazy n my writing is shiYAt


Min-Ji let out a small laugh, rubbing her tired eyes with her gentle hands. "Wow, you were quite the teenager."

"I really was." Yoongi had realised as he told the story (conveniently leaving out the whole jerking off thing because who wants to hear that) that he had a pretty wild time back in high school. Well, after he had met Jimin of course. Before that, it had just been Namjoon and him listening to rap music in Namjoon's room eating chips. Not necessarily a bad thing, it's just running around and hanging with Jimin was so much better than listening to Namjoon talk about the most inane things while stuffing his face with spicy potato chips.

Min-Ji sighed, "I wish my youth could have been like yours." Yoongi couldn't see her face but he could feel a solemn note take over the room. "I better get going, Mr Storyteller-"

"Wait!" Yoongi reached out for her instinctively. "Please, let me... just ten more minutes."

As much as he didn't want to admit it, talking to Min-Ji was the highlight of his day. Between the incessant 'are you alright?'s and 'do you need more pain medication?'s and not to forget the unbearable physical therapy, talking to Min-Ji was a beacon of hope. A motivation to get better so he could see Jimin, and hold him and kiss him and tell him how this was all his fault.

Min-Ji sighed, "Okay, fine. But only because you have a check-up with the doctor today before physical therapy." she tenderly grinned, "And I know you hate therapy."

Yoongi had never been so nervous.


Everly ever.


Because nothing was important as this.

This date.



Park Jimin.

Yoongi hadn't known what to do, what to think- fuck, he hadn't even known what to have for breakfast! He didn't want to scare Jimin off by saying something weird or doing something wrong or wearing the wrong pair of shoes or anything! It was just... Jimin was so perfect. 

From his charming personality to his leanly muscular physique to his gorgeous laugh and everything in between, Jimin was more than perfect to Yoongi. All the more reason for Yoongi to not fuck up this date. 

God, just look at him, Yoongi thought as he leant against a crate full of books. How is he real?

"Yoongi, look at this- Yoongi? Are you listening?" Jimin asked, fondling a ratty-tatty book on top of a pile of more books.

"Hm?" Yoongi looked blankly at Jimin before regaining himself. "Oh yes, yes. Carry on."

Jimin put the book down with a gentle thud and approached Yoongi, "Are you okay? You seem a bit 'out of it'."

Yoongi shook his head like a little schoolboy, shit- what if Jimin thought that he wasn't interested in him? "Oh, no. I was just thinking about all the books in this store." He gently ran the tip of his fingers across the book spines of the nearest bookshelf. "So many stories by so many people. It's fascinating."

vision { yoonmin }Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt