clay jensen

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your pov

i walk to my locker to take out the books i'll need for this wonderful weekend ahead of me.

my teachers were so feeling so generous, they were giving away homework like oprah winfrey.

"you get some homework, and you get some homework!"

the point is i have a lot of homework.

i was so ready to get out of this school, and the only thing stopping me was the stupid lock on my locker.

i tried the combination slowly.


i jiggled the handle once more.


"would you like some help?"

i turned around and saw none other than clay jensen standing behind me.

aka the guy i've had a crush on since like seventh grade.

"oh yeah, it never wants to open when i need it to." i sighed.

"lucky for you, i'm a pro at opening lockers. what's your combo?" he grinned at me.

"it's 4-12-16. good luck with that thing. it almost never—" i was interrupted by the sound of my locker popping open.

"you were saying?" he smirked.

"yeah whatever. you're not as cute when you're cocky." i mumbled.

my face grew red as i realized what i just said.

" think i'm cute?" he looked at me with curiosity written all over his face.

i groaned.

"yes i do, and i kinda have some feelings for you, but i know you don't feel the same way so—" i was cut short once again, but only this time it wasn't my locker.

it was clay's lips.

after a moment, he pulled away with a rather large grin on his face.

"i've been wanting you to do that for years." i said in awe.

"i want to do it again." he leaned in for another kiss.

i put my finger on his lips.

"the only way you're getting more, is if you help me with all this homework." i teased.

"gladly." he smiled.

we started to walk out of the school when i stopped.

"wait, so does this mean you like me too?" i asked stupidly.

"no, i just go around kissing cute girls for fun." he rolled his eyes as he pulled his bike from the racks.

"m'lady." he motioned for me to get on.

i hopped up on the handle bars.

"i better not fall." i told him nervously.

"you might not, but trust me, i already have."

a/n: sorry its so bad. it's 11:30 where i am and im running on like zero sleep. please request! hopefully another imagine tomorrow!

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