Chapter two: PunchLine

Start from the beginning

"I'm gonna text you".

"But am I right?" Aria called out,

Giving a small nod I turned and took off sprinting down the hall toward my A.P English class.


Thankfully, I made it through the door by the skin of my teeth. Mr. Lansky was big on being on time and I really couldn't afford to deal with his foolishness. He was the type of person that assumed the world revolved around him and only him. He was just a balding, toxic old man with nothing better to do than to torment high schoolers.

One more week and I didn't have to deal with his ass no more.

"Two seconds later and you would've been heading to the front office Ms. Hayes" Mr. Lansky said from behind his desk.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled,

"Sorry can only get you so far in life, please take your seat"

Rolling my eyes, I made my way to the wooden desk in the center row.

"You all had an essay due last week. The topic was about hardships and breakthroughs. How some of us overcome our hardships and how others never reach their breakthroughs. The essay was to be 3500 words long, MLA format, cover letters included. All of you, well, most of you, turned in your final essays last week and for that I thank you. As for the others, see you next year " Mr. Lansky stood up and made his way toward the front of his desk, leaning against it for support. " I have graded your essays and I must say, some of them had me thoroughly impressed and others had me in complete awe. One of them, in fact, was so eloquently written that I had attached their essay to their college recommendation letter. That student, ladies and gentlemen is..." Mr. Lansky paused dramatically, "Ms. Ayanna Hayes, Congratulations. It's a wonder how such beautiful words can come from someone who struggles with time."

"Thank you" I mumbled, as the class gave a small applause despite the shade, he threw my way.

"Psst" I heard from behind me,

Turning around I saw the beaming face of my friend Raquel. She was what I would refer to as a Southern Belle, gorgeous and with a low country accent that made me think of sweet, iced tea and warm buttermilk biscuits.

"You trying to get us both in trouble?" I joked, leaning back slightly in my seat so she could hear me better.

"Girl, fuck Mr. Lansky" she replied, shooing her hand in his direction. "You're coming with me and Aria tonight, right?"

I already knew what and where she was referring to. It was the seniors end of the year pre-graduation block party, a tradition where the seniors celebrated one last time together being that after graduation most of us would be going somewhere far away from South Florida, never to see each other again.

"You already know the answer to that" I said matter of factly.

"Madison..." she huffed, tilting her head to the side slightly. "You're not going to prom; you're not going to grad bash. hell, you didn't even go to homecoming."

"I told you I can't afford to go to those and still pay for my application fees." Which was the truth, The application fees were $90 for both Howard University, as well as Spellman College, whom I had as a backup school. Not to mention, I still had to pay for the $600 worth of enrollment fees as well.

"I told you I'll pay for app fees" she shrugged.


"I know, I know. Your pride and what not, but what kind of friend would I be to not help you when you need it?"

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