"I can do it." he said in a firmer tone "I tried it, I just need some assistance."

Haru took out a sandwich and examined it carefully "I wish I could actually 'eat' this stuff, it looks pretty good" she sniffed the snack. And a scowl of disgust showed her features.

"Damn, still smells the same." She waved at me to come closer and see her 'demonstration'. I inched forward and had my gazes set on girl.

"Alright, first when 'eating' you don't actually taste this, you must chew slowly for the flavor to not spread through your mouth like..." She sighed lightly "I hate doing this things," She mumbled at herself and readied again. She takes a bite and her face shown a calm expression chewing.

"You should make sounds like your enjoying the meal." She closed her eyes not a sense of disgust in her features. "And should say if the thing you're eating is sweet, aromatic or just plain good." She chomped another piece of the sandwich. "Make this action for about ten minutes and I guess you can swallow."

"Wow..Haru you really seem to be enjoying it." I say in awe. For ghouls, human food was unbearable, just from the scent of it. But here, right now an actual ghoul is fake eating—

She stops munching immediately, a look of unease flashed to her eyes as sweat ran down to her temple. Haru runs to the farthest part of the training place and vomits her heart out. Well..so much for expert.

"I'm..Sorry I couldn't do it for fifteen minutes." She gags while clutching her stomach. 

'What?' I question myself, a look of surprise plastered on my face. She seemed really funny, perhaps the drool that was dripping down her mouth.

"Ha ha." To my side, the green hair male chuckled "My sister is a very good instructor, after all." He started to laugh now.

"Q-Quite you..." She panted, as she returned where she took off earlier. She fixed herself up, and snatched a another sandwich above the bag where it was placed.

"Now, it's your turns." Haru handed us the morsels, in which I was discouraged instantly.

"Umm..Why should I?" I mumble, and started walking away.

"Sis..I think that's enough, how about we do this tomorrow?" He readied himself for the run, he smiled awkwardly as Haru nears him, a hand full of food in her grasp.

"I will not allow this!" She runs to her brother first and tackles him to the ground. His chest planted down the concrete floor with a dull thud.

"No..Sis I'm not ready!" He tried to wriggle away close, but no cigar.

"You started it, then this should it along with you." She laughs, like a maniac. And shoves the sandwich down his throat. "C'mon little brother, apply the skills I've taught you."

Seiji's screams of agony filled the room, he choked at at every piece she made.

"Sheesh..." I rubbed my shoulder, I couldn't help Seiji, if I do she would come for me next. Even still, I remember the day where I still hadn't accepted myself as a ghoul. My frenzy of sorts.

I recalled our entry in to the lowest parts of the place. Where we  held our training.

I shone my medium sized flashlight, in the dark narrow tunnel. It consisted of a carved concrete ceiling and semi wet walls of grey,  my eyes shown discouragement, was this the place for training or a bunker?

I shrugged, while walking deeper in the belly of the beast, the two siblings were right behind me. The sound of scraping shoes through the paved steps, echoed loudly "Hey Haru? I ask, almost like a child.

She quickens her steps, rushing over to the left side of mine. "What is it, Yuna?"

I pointed to the eerie darkness. "How deep does this passageway even go?"

She touched the side of her reddening cheek almost like a cute child "Hmm..I don't know the exact measurements but, I'm guessing where you can never see the glimpse of the sun ever again, if you can't get out from this tunnel." With a gaze that seemed to ooze evil she turned to me. "So don't go getting totally injured along the way, ok? Yuna."

I gulped to hear that creepy explanation "T-Thanks for enlightening me." I shrugged off the aura of creepiness. "Well, we better get going." I walked faster ahead of the pair of ghouls, to avoid any more oddness from Haru.

And I can still remember Broccoli head's hilarious reaction a while ago.


He gulped in response, grabbing the dish cloth from the counter "S-Sure." he dried up the remaining cups, becoming silent in the process. He was the one who asked for this, why the hell was he nervous?

I shifted my gaze to the she ghoul, "Remember Yuna," She spoke almost commanding "Prepare a set of extra clothes later" She finally said, finishing up her chores.

"Then, it's settled"


"So that's why he was so nervous after all" I mumbled, as I peeered at the pair of siblings, playing with the 'food'. Throwing it everywhere. He was afraid by his sister.

Haru and Seiji, were pretty funny now that I think about it, they were more welcoming than Miss Kirishima.
By the way, where was she?

"Yukino" A voice behind me piped up. A familiar one...She brushed past me, her aura of coldness sent a shiver down my spine.

"Where have you two been?" She placed her hand to her hip. As she awaited their answer.

"Uh..Touka.. We've been.." Haru, stepped away from her brother. She dusted herself off, eyes not colliding with the female violent haired ghoul.

"Its already morning seven am to be exact, why haven't you prepared?" Her voice calm yet threatening at the same time.

"We were teaching.. Yuna.." Seiji mumbled, as he backed away to his sister.

"On what?" Kirishima raised her visible brow.

"T-The Kagune and... 'eating' human food" It was Haru's turn to explain.

She looks at the two siblings, back and forth. Seeing their eyes of honesty, she sighs. "Fine, I'll let this go. For now."

We three smiled, at the turn of the blind eye of Kirishima.

"You two siblings, can go but I have an errand for Yoshikawa" Haru and Seiji dashed to the exit before Touka could say anymore.

"What?" I raised my voice, just a bit an errand? What could she ask me to do? Something terrible, perhaps Kirishima probably still hates me from last time.  

"The manager asked that I would accompany you, in making a mask."

"Huh?" I have no clue on what she was saying, mask? For what? Wait...maybe it was for...ghoul purposes?

She sighs again "I was forced into it, if I don't comply Manager, will be upset. So I had to do it, even if it isn't my will." She looked away from me, for a second then back again.

She raised get head and emitted her dark aura "So don't go pestering me when I'm with you, got that?" Her gaze that sensed death made my shiver again. What was this girl? Was she really this terrifying?

"Meet me at the Shinjuku train station at four, later. " She raised her chin again for more intimidation.

"Don't be late." 


I'm kinda getting unmotivated by my story.... I want some one to tell me. That, it if I should continue this fanfic.

Damn doubts...

Do you still wanna read?

Innocence Lost {Tokyo Ghoul}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz