|Day 5: Etherious|

Start from the beginning

He wraps his arms around her and forces her head onto his neck, feeling her breath. She couldn't see his ecstatic face. He took a whiff of her scent and enjoyed the smell of it. Everything about her, there was no way in hell, he was going to let anyone have it. "Chrome-san...", he lets out a raspy moan and grabs her ass, grinding his crotch onto her.

"Larcade...", Chrome furrows her brows and panted in pleasure.

One must want one thing to last forever. But too bad right?

The door opens with a bang, kicked by Sting. "Augh! I can't stand it! It's so early and I can't even sleep because of all the moaning! Chrome, get off of him!", he yells then gasps. "What in the world happened to you? What's up with the shadow thing?"



They went downstairs after being called by Minerva. Someone paid them a visit. It was Fairy Tail's Porlyusica. She came to give Chrome and Larcade a checkup instructed by Minerva of course. Right now, Chrome sat across from Porlyusica who was examining her by the arm.

After a while, Porlyusica backs away with a sigh, crossing her arms.

"Well? How is she Porlyusica-san?", asked Minerva.

Porlyusica groans and head chops Chrome. 

"Ow! What the heck was that for old hag!", Chrome yelps and held her head down in pain. "I can't believe you Porlyusica! Even after Mystogan went away, you still treat me like that!"

"Keep quiet you insolent brat.", she head chops Chrome again. "Why didn't you tell me anything? Or at least someone from the guild? If it weren't for that devil girl's remedy, you and that man wouldn't be here.", she grabs her magic book from the table and kept smacking Chrome with it over and over again. 

"You're not my mother! Stop hitting me already!", Chrome's shadow tail grabs the book and throws it across the room without her consent. 

Larcade sweats and with unbelievable speed, he goes after the book and catches it. "Please be at ease."

"You boy. Stay. Others, please give us some time to talk alone. Just the three of us if you may.", like the mean, old woman she is, she kicks out the Sabers in their own hall.

Minerva was the one to live, nervous of what was coming. She knew. And the only thing she could do was hope for the best. 

Chrome looks around, nervous as well and waiting for the words to come out from Porlyusica's mouth. "Porlyusica. How long?", she frowns and looks down to her lap.

"I'm trying my best not to go to that topic. But you're pushy as always.", Porlyusica chuckled and puts her hands on top of Chrome's lap, holding the pair of fragile hands the demon had. "Child, why have you not said a word? If you had, I could have healed you and him by now.", she looks up to Chrome and then looks at Larcade. "Both of you are such children."

Larcade kneels and bows his head to the ground. "With her, to the end I follow."

"Child.", she whispers. "I only have this for the time being.", she hands her a small vial with a round tablet inside. "I don't know if I can make another one with the time we have."

"How long?", Chrome trembled.

The old woman hesitated for a while. "I'm not exactly sure but I'm gonna say two days.", she stands up and heads towards the exit. With one more glance, she smiles. "Time's your enemy now Chrome. Both of you. I will return to Magnolia and report this to Makarov. I'll send Lucy and your friends the antidote before time runs out. But it's gonna be a long process. So just be prepared. I'll do what I can.", she opens the giant doors of Sabertooth and disappears.

Silence took over as Chrome falls on her knees, trembling. "No way...", her claw twitched violently. "This is too much.", she whispered then sighed heavily. 


She turns around to see Larcade spreading his arms and giving her the most gentle smile. "It's alright. We're gonna be fine.", he spoke with a soft voice.

Chrome runs to him and hugs him. "Yes. We're gonna be fine...", she whimpered. "I love you Larcade. So much that it hurts.", she whispered and began sobbing silently. 

He puts his hand behind her head and pats her. "I love you too. But let's not stay here the whole day. Can you show me around? The only thing I've seen so far was the train station and some buildings when we got here. I wanna see what they have here. Also the arena looking place where you and your guild fought against Sting's."

"Since when were you and Sting on a first-name basis?", Chrome looks up to him, staring. "Did your bonding yesterday made you guys closer?", she playfully pinches his cheeks while pouting from the inside.

Larcade chuckles and pinches her back. "No, but he's less threatening now."

"Ha?", Chrome tilts her head and stops pinching him. 

"Because.", Larcade stops as well and scoops Chrome into his arms. "He knows his boundaries. So for the time being, let us continue where we left off earlier.", he smiles innocently and carried her to their room.

What the— Oh my Mavis Larcade. Did you learn this from Sting?! That bastard corrupted your precious, innocent mind!

"What are you doing Larcade!", Chrome kicks her feet repetitively, trying to escape his grasps. But, she couldn't get out of his tight grasp. "I'll bring you tomorrow for a tour around Crocus! So put me down!"



It's gonna be a long night for the two of them.

The Love He Deserved (A Larcade Dragneel x OC Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now