Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I wake up in the morning with ma and Deena at each other's throat again. "Let her sleep." Lana argues and Deena sighs. "I was going to yeah, I only wanted to drop off her gift." She hisses and I turn, murmuring a quick "Shut up." Before turning around and trying to sleep again, but Lana immediately goes momma bear and all defensive. "See you've woken her, you should've just left your gift downstairs." She argues and I pull my pillow over my head and yawn as I try to catch some sleep. I hear someone putting something on the nightstand before it is completely silent. I lay back on my pillow and sleep some more, since my body tells me that it feels like 7am.

When I wake later, I decide I am still angry at Deena and I walk downstairs, ignoring everyone but Grammie, who I give a quick hug. "Nora?" I hear ma ask as I take the plate with sausage Grammie hands me, and I turn to her. "This is your cousin, Sammy." Ma says as she points to Sammy. I stand there unimpressed, looking at her. "Hi." I say quickly to him and Sammy smiles. "I am not like my ma, I take more after my father." He says and I give him a weak smile while I rub my head. "Are you okay?" Ma asks and I nod. "I just need to take my painkillers after breakfast." I say and she nods as I sit down next to her. Sammy look at me and then smiles. "I know see why everyone in the family says you look so much like ma, you are like the younger version of her." He says and I smile. "Well, I do look a little like her." I admit with my mouth full of sausage and Sammy laughs. "Hey, wanna come to my school later? They have this amazing studio and I am pretty sure my music teacher would love to have you help her!" He says and I smile broadly. "Sounds awesome." I exclaim and he laughs. "You'll like it there, I'll give you a tour." He says and ma stops us. "Sammy, do you think school or your teacher even agrees with her being there?" Ma asks and he nods. "My music teacher always watches GaySome when they upload something new." He says and I look at him surprised. "Why do you think your videos have like 100k views on youtube? You are pretty good." He says and I laugh. I look at the clock to see it is 9.30am. "Shouldn't you be at school?" I ask and Sammy laughs. "Normally, yes, but today all sociology classes and history classes have been cancelled because of some freshman project, so my first three hours have been cancelled." He says and I smile. "We'll leave in 30 minutes." He says as I drop my stuff in the dishwasher and proceed to go upstairs to change. I grab my black tee that says "I disagree", my red checkered blouse and some jeans. I grab my boots and put in my earrings and run down the stairs. "Leggo!" I exclaim and they laugh. "What is it?" I ask and Ma smiles. "You just look like a standard rebel teen." She says and I smile. "Well, I am." I say as Sammy grabs his bag. I follow him to his car and get in.

At school, everyone looks at us. "Why are they staring?" I ask and Sammy smiles. "Everyone has music in this school, so everyone knows you." He says and I nod as I follow him to the classroom where music is given. As we enter, everyone falls silent and I roll my eyes at the looks I get. "Guys, this is my cousin, Eleonora." He introduces me and I give them a wave as I drop at the one available spot, near the back. The teacher walks up to me with a broad smile. "Hi, I'm Mrs Juliette Stanley." She says and I smile. "I'm Eleonora Parrilla-Jackson." I say and she laughs. "I know. I was wondering, would you maybe play something for us?" She asks and I shrug. "Why not?" I ask and she starts to smile. "What do you want class?" I ask and this girl near the drums smiles. "Will you sing love game for us?" She asks and I nod. "Sure, I don't see why not." I say and one of the guys hands me the microphone. Two guys get up and take the drums and the piano, and another girl takes the guitar. I smile as they play the first notes. "I wanna kiss you, but if I do I might miss you babe." I start and I see a couple of kids sit there with Goosebumps as I sing.

The day continues like that. I decide to stay in the music classroom and join Sammy for lunch. His friends are freaking out when this goth and famous girl sits down at their table. I just spend the entire day having fun and Sammy is suddenly the hotshot. Have multiple guys and even a few girls flirting with me, but I mostly ignore them. Last period, this class full of juniors come in and I laugh at their disbelieving looks as I sit on the teacher's desk, with a cup of tea in my hands, talking to the teacher. "Well guys, we got a special guest today, this is Eleonora, and I think we all know her from her band GaySome." Juliette introduces me. "Mrs Stanley, will she perform?" A girl asks and I smile. "Why don't you ask me?" I say and she suddenly looks shocked. "Yeah I will perform." I say and she smiles. As I make my way to the area where the violins hang, a girl sprints into class. "Karlie? You forgot your keys." Says this beautiful girl. I have my eyes on her and she looks at me with a small blush on her face. "Mind if I stay Mrs Stanley? I want to see her perform." The girl says and Juliette nods. "That is okay Luce, she was about to." Juliette says as I grab the violin. After class I stop this Luce. "Hey." I say and she smiles. "Hi." She says and I smile. "I didn't see you all day." I say and she smiles. "I am a senior here, I already graduated." She says and I look surprised. "Really? Are you going to study next year?" I ask and she nods. "I got into UBC into their music program." She says and I smile. "I live in Vancouver, and that is the education I'll follow starting next September too." I say and she smiles as I hand her my phone. "Put yourself in so we can text. When you get at UBC I wanna give you a tour through Vancouver." I say and she looks surprised. "That would be awesome." She says and I smile as she puts herself in my phone and texts herself. "Have a good day!" She says and I smile as she runs of. "She is a sweetheart. She is still struggling with being lesbian, but she is getting good at dealing with it." Juliette says and I smile. "I know how she feels. I'm lesbian too." I say and she looks surprised. "Wow, wouldn't have guessed." She says and I smile. "Many people don't expect it." I say with a small smile and she laughs. "Thank you for being here today." She says and I smile. "It was my pleasure, I liked being here." I say and she hugs me. "If you ever feel like teaching is your calling, you are welcome to come here." She says and I smile. "Thank you." I say as I grab my bag and wave her goodbye. I meet Sammy outside in the parking lot near his car. "We're going to the mall here, wanna join?" He asks and I smile. "I would love to." I say and get in the car. We drive to the mall and they lead me to the game stop. I smile and walk in with them. "Wait, you game?" His friend asks in shock and I smile. "I not only sing, but I am one of the biggest female livestreamers out there love." I say and he looks surprised. "1v1 me in CoD BO2." He says as he points to the PS3 that had BO2 open. I smile and follow him, grabbing one of the controllers as he sets up a match. I select my gun kit and wait for the game to begin. "Really, the Hijacked map?" I ask and he looks at me. "It is a good map." He defends himself and I laugh. "A good map for noobs." I say as I headshot him. A couple of rounds later, and what feels like the entire store staff later, I cheer as I claim another victory. No one has been able to defeat me. I laugh as Sammy high-fives me and I smile. He had made many bets and won them all. "The Game Queen is here to stay loves." I say and walk out with Sammy to the McDonalds. "My treat, since you just made me rich." He says and I smile. "Two Big Macs and a coke and a sprite." He orders at the counter and I look around. As we sit down he looks at me. "Had fun today?" he asks and I smile. "I had a blast." I say and he smiles. "Good. Everyone loves you at my school." He says and I smile. "I noticed." I say and he looks at me. "You are just so different." He says and I look at him confused. "Aunt Lana is famous and yet no one knows you two are mother and daughter." He says and I smile. "Lana wants me to build my career without her name pressed all over it. I only took her last name to at least have some way to have her in my life without her being all motherly." I say and he laughs. "You are so likeable. I now know why mom was jealous." He says and I look at him. "Yeah she was jealous of Lana and then called you a mistake. You just don't care about the 18 years the two of you weren't family, you only care about now being together." He says and I nod. "I want us to be a family, and possibly with Fred and his sons too. And that is all I care about nowadays." I say and he laughs as we get up and throw away the trash. "Let's get home. Mom just texted me she wants to apologize to you." He says and I nod, following him to the car. In the car back home, we listen to music while we sing to it, and a lot of people who are stuck with us in the traffic jam laugh at us being crazy. I'm headbanging as my favourite song by Joan Jett as we pull up at Grammie's house. We get out and I happily shake my hair to get it back in a normal style a little. Grammie, ma and Deena smile as I stand there with a broad smile on my face. "Hi there." I chirp and walk in with Sammy, who just laughs at me craziness as I hug ma and Grammie and give a distant nod to Deena.

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