So in the end the man got arrested and was sent to jail and the Pinsir got their forest back, and the Heracross and Butterfree could finally live in peace in their forest again. "I can't thank you kids enough," Woodruff said to the gang "thanks to your help the forest is safe again. And hopefully it will stay like that". "Me too" said Brock. Suddenly the Heracross, which had been following the group, stepped forward. "Hey it's that same Heracross" said Brock. "What is it doing here?" asked Tomo. Ash had a thought. "Do you want to come with us Heracross?" he asked. Heracross nodded its head to say yes. "I thought so" smiled Ash. He through a pokeball at Heracross and captured it. "All right I caught a Heracross!"

After capturing Heracross, the gang said goodbye to Woodruff and left the forest to continue to Violet City.

After traveling through a forest, the gang made it to a city called Cherrygrove City. "This seems a good place to relax a bit" said Brock. Just then they heard someone shouting; "Stop thief!" and then a brown pokemon, with a big tail, ran by them. "What was that?" gasped Misty. A middle aged man ran up to them. "Did you see that Sentret run by here?" he asked. The gang pointed the way the pokemon ran and the man continued to run. "What was that all about?" asked Ash. "Yeah, and what's going on?" asked Brock.

The gang entered the city and told the city's Officer Jenny about what had just happened. "This has happened for a week now," she said "you see this Sentret has been nicking food from stores and whenever someone tries to catch it with a pokemon, that Sentret easily defeats it".

Ash looked at Sentret on the pokedex: Sentret, the scout pokemon. It stands on its tail so it can see a long way. If it spots an enemy, it cries loudly to warn its kind.

Brock looked thoughtful. "Sentret are usually a shy type pokemon," he said "so it's quite unusual for a Sentret to do something like this". "Well this Sentret doesn't sound shy and it also sounds feisty to me" said Misty. "Do you think there some sort of reason that Sentret is doing this?" asked Ash. "I don't know," said Brock "but we should find out".

The gang went back to when they first saw Sentret, outside the city, and Brock placed a sandwich onto the ground. "We can use the sandwich to spy on Sentret," he said "that way we can find out why it's stealing food". Ash, Tomo and Misty thought that was a great idea and they all hid in the bushes to see what happens. The Sentret arrived a few seconds later, picked up the sandwich and started to run off. "Okay let's follow it," whispered Brock "but quietly and carefully, we don't want Sentret to know we're following it". They carefully followed Sentret to a clearing in a wood and there was something that surprised the gang. A deer like pokemon was lying down on the grass and it looked sick and injured. "It's a Stantler," gasped Brock "and it's a young one too".

Ash looked up Stantler on the pokedex: Stantler, the big horn pokemon. Staring at its antlers creates an odd sensation as if one were being drawn into their centres.

"This must be the reason Sentret was stealing food" said Ash. "Yes, it did it to look after Stantler" said Misty. Brock stepped forward to help Stantler. Sentret noticed Brock and got ready to fight him. "Easy Sentret," said Brock "I'm not here to harm your friend, I wish to help Stantler". Sentret stared at Brock, and then accepted his help. Brock picked up the baby Stantler, and then he and the group went to the pokemon center with Sentret.

After they bought the Stantler to Nurse Joy, Brock explained Officer Jenny about what they found out. "I see," said Officer Jenny "so it stole food for the baby Stantler. At least it wasn't for a selfish reason". Nurse Joy came out of the operating room. "Stantler is just fine now," she said "I've given it some medicine and took care of its leg. It just need to rest now, and then it will be right as rain". The gang were relieved by this. "I wonder why a baby Stantler is doing here by itself though" said Misty. "I think I might know why" said Officer Jenny. Officer Jenny said that six days ago an old couple who were breeders kept some pokemon eggs. But that day they moved away to another city and took the eggs with them, but what they didn't know, until too late, that they had left one behind; a Stantler egg. "The old couple contacted me about it and I tried to find the egg, but I never found it". "So that means that egg hatched all on its own," said Ash, sadly, "and the baby Stantler has been all on its own this whole time". "Yes," said Misty "and my guess is Sentret found the baby Stantler and decided to take care of it". Ash asked the Sentret if Misty was right and it jumped up and down to say yes. "You're a really nice pokemon" Ash said to Sentret with a smile.

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