Chapter Fifteen

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Meghan's P.O.V

"So," Jake starts, looking around the room nervously. I roll my eyes and stare at Jake, waiting for him to ask me a question.

You see, when we got home from school today, Hannah had left us a note on the fridge explaining why she isn't coming home till later because she has to run some errands. Also on the note, it said that we should take our time to know one each other and gain each other's trust, if we haven't already. Surprisingly, this made me think about the whole 'finding the deeper side to Jake' thing and it made me think that I can maybe get to know Jake this way... since things at school didn't go to well.

Just to make it short, Emma wasn't at school because she had a 'dentist' appointment and Danny didn't hang out with us today because he was too busy screwing some chick during lunch. So, lunch was awkward, if I do say so myself.

Anyway, so now we are sitting in Jake's room, him on the end of the bed, facing me while I am leaning against his headboard, staring directly at Jake. Since I had no idea what to ask him first, Jake decided to start but he has just been looking around the room muttering 'so' and 'uh' for the past ten minutes.

"Uh--" I let out a groan, running a hand down my face.

"If you don't ask me something soon, I'm going to punch you. Understand?" I ask, raising a brow at Jake. He gulps and nods.

Wow, he seemed so confident with me last night. What the hell is up with him today?

We sit in silence for a few minutes while I wait for Jake to speak. I know he is trying is absolute hardest to not say 'uh' but with the glares I'm giving him, I'm pretty sure he won't receive a punch to the face.

"Okay, I have a question." Jake says after what feels like forever. I nod slowly and bring my knees up to my chin, resting my head on the balls on my knees.

"Go on." I say and Jake let's out a sigh, scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay... do all of your tattoos has a meaning or story behind them?" Jake asks and I nod.

"Yep." I say, popping the 'p'. "If they didn't have any meaning, they wouldn't be on my skin." I add and Jake nods.

"Can I--"

"Ah, ah, it's my turn." I say with a small grin, sitting up and crossing my legs. I look up at the ceiling in thought, trying to rack through the million questions that I have stored in my head for this moment.

"Okay, Jakie." I start, a grin making its way onto my face. "Tell me something about your wife-to-be." I say and Jake let's out a sigh.

"Okay, well, we sort have known each other for quite some time now. You see, my mom and her parents are friends which is part of the reason why my mom is making me marry Courtney. But, uh, no offence, she is a little annoying." Jake says and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Oh really?" I ask and Jake nods. I smirk and nod, waving Jake off. "Okay, that's all I wanted to hear." I say and Jake furrows his eyebrows in confusion but before he can push on it, I clap my hands together.

"C'mon, we don't have all day." I say and Jake nods, looking away from me for a split second before his brown eyes meet my green ones.

"What is the story behind the date on your forearm?" Jake asks, referring to the tattoo that I got in memory of my brother.

"Its just a date that basically tells everyone the day that my brother died." I say and Jake's eyes widen.

"You had a brother?" He asks and I nod.

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