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The week went by painfully slow. Albeit, I was fine with that. I was dreading the thought of this upcoming Saturday. But nonetheless, the weekend arrived.

I groaned looking at the text Eren had sent.

My Brat: I'll be over at ten. Dress nice! Casual nice...Petra and Christa will be with me. See you then, shorty!

I rolled my eyes at the nickname. My stare scanned my screen for the time. 9:40. "Shit," I mumbled. I hurried to my closet, grabbing black jeans, a plain white shirt and a jacket. Quickly, I did my morning routine until it was time to leave.


"Let's go old man!" Eren yelled. His car was parked in front of my house. I looked to my phone screen. 9:58. I opened the front door, and peeked my head out.

"You're two minutes early brat!" I shouted. A girl with long blonde hair sat in the passenger seat by Eren. I frowned. She was stunning. Blue eyes, a perfect complexion, and fair skin. No wonder Eren liked her.

"The sooner the better, we don't have all day!" he cried, honking again. "Shut it, brat! I'm coming!" I yelled. I stepped out of my home, closing and locking the door behind me. I strolled to Eren's old automobile, hopping in the seat behind his.

A girl with strawberry blonde hair was sitting beside me, smiling brightly. "You must be Levi," she stated. I kept my emotionless composure. "Petra, I'm guessing," I stated. She nodded, still smiling like a foolish girl.

"Sorry Petra, Levi can be a dickhead at times," Eren said. I kicked the back of his seat. "Just drive, shitty brat!" I replied. Eren cackled as the engine roared to life. "To Olive Garden!" Eren cried, beginning to drive.

"Tch, basic bitch," I muttered. Eren looked to me through the rear view mirror. "You know it," he said, winking. "Eyes on the road, bud," I demanded, kicking the back of his seat. "Awe, but I love looking at your shitty face," he beamed. "Watch it Jaeger!" I demanded as he looked back to the street.

The girl in the front laughed at our shenanigans. Her name was Christa, right? "How long have you two been friends?" she questioned. "We've been kickass friends since kindergarten!" Eren exclaimed. "Kickass?" I questioned. "Yeah, don't you remember? We were assassins in another life," Eren replied. "Really?" Christa chuckled. "Yeah, like Eren could ever kill someone," I said clicking my tongue. Petra chuckled at my annoyed comment.

"Levi I'm trying to make conversation here, the least you could do is play along," Eren whined. I rolled my eyes. "The least you could do is make it believable," I mumbled. From the rear view mirror, I saw Eren's eyebrows knit together. "Talk to Petra!" he demanded. I clicked my tongue, sounding more annoyed than I meant to.

"Sorry about Levi's doucheness, Petra," Eren stated. Scowling, I kicked the back of his seat again.

"Shut it and drive, Jaeger."

~~Time Skip~~

"Table for four?" our waitress questioned. Her name tag read, Isabel. Eren nodded. "Please follow me," she explained.

Isabel led us to a small booth in the back of the restaurant. Eren sat by Christa, and I was forced to sit beside Miss. Bubbly.

I skimmed over the menu as Eren and Christa chatted, and Petra sat there awkwardly. Oh, how I dreaded this day.

"So, Levi. What do you like to do in your spare time?" she asked. Not looking her way, I continued staring at the beverage options. I felt bad for the poor girl, but I wasn't interested.

Eren coughed to grasp my attention. I glared at him for disrupting me. He gestured towards Petra, who was staring at me, lips pursed, waiting for my answer. Clicking my tongue, I dropped the menu onto the table, and turned to Petra. "I take a lot of pictures," I said. Her eyes gleamed and she smiled cheekily. "Oh, that's cool," she replied.

Picture Perfect {Ereri/Riren AU}Where stories live. Discover now