Working For Walmart

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Dear diary,
I am sorry it has been so long since I have written but I have just been really depressed after the whole party situation. It seems like now I can't go anywhere with out someone realizing I was the drunk idiot who insulted everyone. I have been kicked out of places because they didn't want to have such an embarrassment in their store. So I have not had work in weeks and I couldn't seem to find a job. I was forced to sell one of my most favorite things in the world, my black Cadillac. I have not decided whether or not it was a smart choice to give it up just so I could live next to J Lo longer but she is just so amazing that I couldn't give up living close to her. Finally though I was able to find myself a job but I don't know if it is worth it because my job is at Walmart. I can't believe I have stepped down to a new low. I used to talk about how much I hate Walmart and even the majority of the people working there. I hope that I don't end up being one of those people that I can't stand. Although, for the short time I have been at Walmart I've met someone who I guess is somewhat nice and that would be my manager Ginny. Well, she usually seems kind of crabby... ok very crabby but I can tell she is actually a decent person. I was talking to her my very first day and she told me she knew who I was, but she also said, "People can't be judged off of one experience." So I try my best to be nice to her even when she is having an extra moody day. Hopefully all the hate from people will soon die down and then I will be allowed in stores again and will maybe get some friends.

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