The party

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Dear diary,
I want to kill myself. So the party was yesterday and it didn't go well at all. The whole evening was a mess and I made a fool out of myself. It was about six o clock and I was all ready to go; I had my note cards for my speech, my suit and tie were in tip top shape, and I just needed to make it to the party, but of course the car that was suppose to pick me up was late because they didn't know where they were going which made me late to the party. When I finally get to the party an hour late, I walk in the door getting ready to go apologize right away to my boss and I bump into Jennifer Lopez and spill her drink on her dress. So right away I have made a fool out of myself. I apologize to her and offer to pay her dry cleaning bill but she was  such a saint and said, " Don't worry about it. It's no big deal, accidents happen and you seem really nervous." That's when I realized I am such an idiot how could I screw up so much in such little time. After that awkward conversation I went and found  my boss and apologized to him but he seemed like he was about to fire me right there on spot. I knew I would be done for if I messed up my speech. So then I made the mistake of going to get a couple of drinks to calm my nerves, but before I could stop myself I was drunk and making a fool of myself. So later on live tv from this party it was my turn to give my speech. Since I was drunk I wasn't speaking properly and I even insulted my boss, some coworkers, the President, and some big name brands. I had to be escorted by security out of the building and that where my boss came to meet me and fired me.

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