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A couple days of inner turmoil pass and Lance keeps away from his friends. He doesn't talk to Kate because he doesn't know how to. He doesn't talk to Hunk because Hunk will read right past his facade, and make him talk about it. He knows that Kate is upset with him, he knows he's being a horrible boyfriend. But he doesn't know what to do. He can't break up with Kate, right? What they have is so...free of problems. It's nice. It's good.

But for the millionth time, Lance can't help but think, that's all it is.

It makes him feel safe, but that is all it makes him feel. He doesn't know if that is what a long term relationship is supposed to feel like. He doesn't know how he is supposed to feel. But the thought of leaving Kate and entering the world as a single person again terrifies him.

It is the evening and Lance has just gotten out of the shower. His phone is ringing. It's Hunk.

"Hey man."

"Hey, Lance." Hunk's voice is gentle. "Wanna hang out tonight? Me, you, and Kate can maybe get together, watch some movies or something."

Lance hesitates.

"She's really worried about you, Lance."

He feels a familiar bubble of guilt in his throat and swallows thickly. "Sorry," he says, clearing his throat. "I've been in a bit of a funk lately, I needed some space."

"Yeah, I know. I told her that. She knows you well enough to know that you get like this sometimes so she wasn't mad. She just wants to make sure you're alright."

Lance doesn't answer.

"So, how about it? Movies tonight?"


"You can bring Keith if you want." Hunk says it very carefully.

Keith? And Kate? Hanging out together? Will Lance be able to handle it?

"Kate doesn't like Keith too much." Lance reasons.

"Well yeah maybe not, but, as your girlfriend, she needs to at least try to be open to liking your friends, right?" Hunk's tone of voice is implying a lot of things. He know's about Lance's crush, but he also knows that Lance probably doesn't want it to be brought up. So he brings up Keith as innocently as possible. He describes Keith as Lance's friend.

"I guess so." Lance feels uneasy.

"Alright, so 8?"


"See you man."

Lances stomach still feels uneasy. He stares down at his screen for a good five minutes in silence.

He takes a deep breath and texts Keith.

_ _ _

Kate isn't very happy when Keith walks into the apartment, but she makes eye contact with Lance and smiles anyway, bless her soul.

Hunk's face lights up. "Lance! Laaaannnceee!" He gets a running start and tackles Lance into a hug, almost suffocating him. Lance can hear Keith giggling behind him.

Hunk lets go and turns to Keith. "Nice to see you again, buddy." He extends his hand and Keith takes it, smiling shyly.

Keith waves to Kate and she waves back, a tight smile on her face. Lance is appreciative that she is trying to be nice. Keith turns so that he is facing everyone and says, "Hey, I know it's not really my place, but is it okay if I invite my friend Pidge? She's alone tonight and-

"The super smart one?" Hunk interrupts excitedly. "Lance told me about her. Yes, totally! The more the merrier."

Keith grins so wide that two dimples appear on his cheeks, and Lance prays to all the gods in the world that he can survive the night.

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