So he tells Hunk everything. Well, almost everything. He leaves out the part where Keith was sucking some guys dick in the bathroom, and only slightly goes over the assault incident. But he tells Hunk about how they talked at the bar, how they smoked weed together, how they went shopping for a new lip ring. He tells him about how he went to the bar every day for a week, talking with Shiro about everything and anything having to do with Keith. He tells him about how he feels like a puddle of his former self when Keith plays the drums, and then he tells him about meeting Pidge, and falling asleep next to Keith, and wanting to do it again and again.

He tells him about how they text almost everyday, and how Keith took him to try a duck sandwich and how they went to the junk yard and collected pieces of broken cars for hours like children. He tells him about how he felt like he needed to touch Keith all the time, and how his fingertips felt like they were on fire when Keith was in reach. With a shaky voice he tells him about how hurt Keith was when he left Lance alone, surrounded by piles of junk.

Hunk just sits still and listens, nodding occasionally so that Lance is aware he is still paying attention. Lance's voice is hoarse by the end of his rant, and he for some reason feels a little like he wants to cry. He takes a shaky breath and lets it out, finally finishing with, "And I'm terrified, Hunk. I'm so fucking scared. Because I have had four girlfriends, and I have never felt like this before. Not once. And he is a boy. And I am insane."

Hunk's face is unreadable. He looks at Lance and doesn't speak for a moment, but then the corners of his lips turn up into a smile, eyes narrowing slightly. "I knew you thought he was cool."

Lance wants to scream. "I hate you so very much."

"Lance, why did it take so long for you to tell me?"

"Because telling you would make it...a thing. I don't want it to be a thing."

"It is very much a thing, Lance." There is concern in his voice.

"I don't want it to be. It's not right. I'm with Kate. I like girls."

Hunk shrugs. "Maybe you like boys too."

"It doesn't... I'm not..."

"Or maybe you just like Keith."

Lance sighs, long and tired, bringing his knees to his chest and hiding his face behind them. "God dammit, Hunk. What the hell do I do? I can't like him."

Hunk moves so he is sitting on the bed next to Lance. He puts a hand on his shoulder and squeezes slightly. "Hey, Lance, look at me."

Lance slowly turns his head towards Hunk.

"What is the number one thing that is bothering you right now?" Hunk's voice is gentle.

Lance doesn't even have to think about it. "He's upset with me, Hunk."

Hunk smiles softly. "Alright. How about you fix that first, and then we can worry about everything else?"

Lance tackles Hunk into a hug and Hunk squeezes him tightly, and for a minute Lance just bathes in the grateful feeling washing over him, that he always has someone like Hunk to pick up all of his broken pieces.


Lance is sitting at the bar and feeling like an idiot. He doesn't have his laptop. He doesn't have a pad of paper. He is just sitting. Alone.

Shiro comes out form the kitchen and looks at him, confused. Before he can say anything, Lance asks, "Is Keith here?"

"Uh, yeah, he's in the back with the band." Shiro frowns. "Is everything okay?" There is a small note of 'if you hurt my little brother I'm going to murder you' in his voice.

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