Chapter 10

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I'm soooooooooooo uber sorry!!! I will upload a longer chappy today!! Thank you everyone for liking my story and commenting!!! I love you all!! Thanks!! Now... READ!!!

I barely got any sleep last night, but the realization that we were going into the games today woke me up. I woke a very groggy Rose up and we walked down to the dining room for some breakfast. I stuffed myself full, because you never know when your last meal is going to be.

About ten glasses of water later, and three plate fulls of food, Rose and I were sent to a hovercraft to be sent to the arena.

"Good morning District 12 girls!" said the lady that was supposed to lead us to our launch room.

"Hi." Rose and I said.

"This is your tracker... It is so we can see where you are in the games." she explained.

"Okay." I said as she injected a needle in our arms and I felt a small bump forming.

She lead us down a long corridor and to a room where Lila was waiting for us.

"These are you girl's outfits for the games. I had no say in it... so it may be hideous." she said with a smile.

"Thanks." I said as she braided our hair to perfection and dressed us in warm socks, tan pants, a sturdy belt, brown combat boots, a black t-shirt, and a jacket.

"The jacket reflects body heat, so expect some very cold nights." she said.

I was happy with our outfits. The boots were made for running, and the pants were flexible and sturdy enough that we don't have to worry about them ripping when we climb trees.

"I'm going to miss you Lila." I said sadly.

"Good luck." she said as the loud voice told us to prepare for launch.

I hugged Rose and said goodbye. For all I know one of us could be killed in the blood bath.

"Bye." we said together.

We walked over to the launching tubes and waited. We were sent up to the arena and 60 seconds were on the clock.

60 seconds was all we had to take in the arena, the tributes, and the cornucopia.

The cornucopia was filled with all types of goodies and weapons. We had 45 seconds left when I spotted them. Two bows and two quivers with perfect arrows.

Those are ours I thought to myself. I looked over at Rose and she nodded.

Lilly and Ivey nodded and pointed over to the woods to our left, and we nodded.

10 seconds. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. This is it. 3. 2. 1.

I took off running full force towards the bows and picked up a few knives and a backpack that looked suitable. I noticed Rose was right behind me when we got over to the center of the cornucopia.

We both picked up our bows and arrows and ran over to the part of the woods where Lilly and Ivey said they would be.

We met up with them and ran about an hour. I suggested that we would look through our packs and found a tree for the night.

I found two pairs of these sunglasses, dried beef, crackers, water, iodine, first aid kit, and a knife. I also grabbed three throwing knives from the cornucopia, so I gently placed all three in my jacket.

Rose had a pair of sunglasses, beef, and water. I had more supplies, but she also had a machete in her pack. I was impressed.

That's when we heard the cannons. 1, 2, 3..... 14 dead. We only have 24 tributes left. The normal amount of tributes. I just hoped none of them were Josh and Albert. Yeah, they broke our alliance, but they are still from District 12.

About an hour later I said I would take first watch with Lilly while the others slept.

"So, what do you think... about you know, the games?" Lilly asked after they were asleep.

"I don't know. I'm just happy all four of us are alive." I said, knowing well enough that the capitol people are watching.

"Yeah. I know what you mean." Lilly said after a minute.

"I just hope my family won't have to witness my death." I said after a couple minutes of awkward silence.

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

The anthem played and neither Josh or Albert were dead. It was a couple of kids I didn't even bother to check who they were, or from what district they were from.

An hour or two of listening for footsteps, or any sign of human life later, and I was exhausted. I decided to wake up Rose and she took watch.

I slept peacefully, until I heard a scream. Not just any scream, but a thump sounded about 400 yards from our tree. I knew that scream. It was the person who I was scared of the most.

Silhouette Black.

I packed up all my stuff and jumped down from my tree with a loaded bow in hand. I followed the sound from where it came from until I saw a very frightened Silhouette on the ground in tears. One word came to mind. Nightmare.

I looked at the others and motioned for them to go back. I needed to talk to her.

"Hey." I said and she looked at me.

"I am armed." she said in the most threatening tone she could probably muster in her state.

"Yeah, so." I said still frightened.

"Go away and I'll let you live." she said.

"Okay... fine. Just to be nice. Good luck." I said not trying to get killed.

I took off towards our camp. The others were probably happy to see me alive again, considering.

"What was that about?" Rose asked.

"Nightmare." I said with a shrug.

"Kay" Rose said as I fell asleep.

I heard a few nights in response. I just couldn't believe this was all happening. I just kept thinking that I would wake up and I would be back home. I missed home terribly.

Thank you!!! Here ya go!! I PROMISE I will upload tomorrow!! Happy Easter everyone!!! Love y'all lots!!





Love ya'll!!

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