Chapter 9

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I woke up without Zeyna yelling at us to get up... wow, that was a first. I ran down to the dining hall, ready to do the interviews.

I ate a short breakfast with Rose, when we were given to Lila for 'prepping'.

"We will be going to the interviews early, so you each can have your three minutes with Ceaser. Now, I want to go for a simple look. Who did your braids for the reaping? That was utterly beautiful!" she exclaimed.

"Aunt Katniss." I said proudly.

"Oh! I will have her down in a minute to do your hair!" she said excidedly.

"Hey girls. How ya doin?" Aunt Katniss asked when she walked in.

"Fine... excided for the interviews." Rose said.

"Yeah... I hope we do okay." I said.

When Lila left to get some more adding touches to our costume, she wispered to us, "Kiss up to them girls. No matter how much you have to fake, kiss up." she said and left.

Lila finished up on our makeup and put us into our dresses. They were beautiful. Fabric laced in with little flames of color. I loved it. Rose and I were dresses identical, yet again. Well, except our braids. Mine was on flowing to the left side, and her's was going to the right.

Apparently we had no time to admire ourselves, because we were whisked out of the room and to the interview room.

District 1, 2, and 3 went, and when 4 went and the girl named Victoria went on, I leaned over to Rose.

"See that girl? I want her in our alliance. If we see her in the games, I want her." I said and she nodded.

"Didn't she get the 10 in training?" Rose asked.

"Yeah..." I said.

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 went without a hitch. When it got to 11 I listened to Lilly an Ivey's interviews. They did remarkaly good.

When Albert was called I zoned out. Same thing with Josh. When Rose was called, I listened to every word.

"So how do you like the Capitol so far?" Ceaser asked.

"Oh... it is wonderful! So beautifel, and the people... there so nice!" Rose said forcing a sweet smile. Right answer Rose.

"So, how in the world did you get that 11 in training again Katn- oops! Sorry Rosie!" He said.

"Oh, call me Rose. Iris and I get that a lot. We look just like our aunt! Nothing like our mother." She said.

"Wait... who's your mother?" he asked confused.

"Primrose Hawthorn... er Everdeen. You probablly know her as Primrose Everdeen." She said happily.

"So, you two are Prim's girls?" he asked.

"Yeah. I love her more than anything." Rose said.

"I bet." Ceaser said, and the crowd aww'd.

The buzzer went off signaling Rose's time was up, and it was my turn.

I walked up to the stage, wearily. Ceaser looked confused, then he laughed.

"I thought you were Rose!" he said and we laughed.

"Yeah, identical twins." I giggled.

"So Iris... Lets go back to the reaping. How did you feel when that little girl's name was called?" he asked.

"I didn't know her. I mean being four years older, I didn't think she had a chance on winning. Rose and I took her place." I said.

The crowd aww'd again. "That was sweet... wait, that girl was 12, so you and Rose are 16?" He asked.

"Yeah, we are small for our age, but don't make our looks fool you." I said.

"Yeah... an 11. Wow." he said amazed.

"I guess you'll find our in the games." I said.

"I guess." he said.

The buzzer went off, and we were all dismissed. I walked up to my room, showered, and hopped in bed.

I know the games are tomorrow, but I had a peaceful sleep. I drempt all about the games... then they turned into nightmares. About death.

Thank you soooooo much!! I just found our I am #961 on Fan Fictions!!

I will start writing about the games tomorrow!! Thxx!!




thank you lots of luv!!


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