Chapter 15

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I am a horrible person!!! I am soooooooooooooo sorry! My step parents and parents are getting divorces, both sets and just urrrgh!! I have bewn totally stressed out and plus with all school and everything, so I thought I could do a chappy of this.

Rose POV:

"I said I was sorry! You don't know who you can trust anymore!" I argued. The man I shot was named Roy, and to be honest, I was kinda scared of him.

"Whatever, 12." Roy mumbled. Issy was not happy I had taken Roy into our little group.

I sighed, "Will younat least TRY to get along with me for a minute? I saved your life."

"Um, I remember you shooting me with an arrow..." Roy mumbled, glaring at me. From behind me, I heard a twig snap. I whirrled around, loading an arrow into the bow. It was Issy.

"Geesh, Rosie! Tryin' to kill me, sis?" She asked, adjusting the two rabbits on her shoulder. "Well, I got food!" She sang, smirking as Roy glared at her.

"Searously, you two are annoying." Roy limped over to the tree he was origionally laying down by. I kneeled down, starting a fire. "Sooo, how long have you been all 'huntress-ey'?" Roy questioned.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked, not looking up from my work on starting the fire. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Issy climbingba tree, following the other girl, starting her shift of protecting us.

"Your.... Interesting." He commented, and I snorted.

"Interesting? How am I interesting?" I asked bitterly.

He stared at me for a while, then looked down, mumbling something. I didn't say anything, I just started the fire and began working on skinning and cooking then rabbits.

The sound of the rabbit meat snapping and popping made me sigh. I hadn't really felt homesick throughout the whole games, until now. I truly missed my mother, father, even my aunt Katniss and uncle Peeta.

"Rosie?" I heard Issy whisper, my head snapped over to her voice, and I sighed.

"Yeah? You okay?" I asked smiling at her.

"No, Sis. The question is, are YOU okay?" She frowned at me. "You've been awafully quiet. More so than normal."

"I'm fine, Iss." I mumbled, turning over the rabbits. Poking them with a stick, making sure that it was completely done in the center.

"Rose, I know it's bad, but we will get through this. I promise." She whispered to me.

"I don't know Issy, I've been thinking, what if we ca-" She cut me off.

"No. NO! Do NOT think like that. We will get through this." She snarled at me. "I am not loosing you, not ever. You are my sister, my flipping TWIN sister. Don't think like that." She angrilly got up, and scurried up the tree.

I sighed, putting my head in my hands. I messed up. Big time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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