Chapter 13: Will you let go?

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Hi. This story is slowly coming to a close. How sad. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Allen's POV

It's so boring being in a hospital for a week with nothing to do except stare at the ceiling and think. Kanda tries to visit often with Leenalee and Lavi but its soo boring when they're not here. I don't know when I am going to get discharged but the doctor that fist came in... what was his name... Nathan? No... Nate? No.... Neah... Yeah, that's his name. He comes into my hospital room and keeps me company. Even if he doesn't speak very much. I really can't wait to get out of this room.

Kanda's POV

After school, I've decided to go and visit Allen in the hospital and go see when he can be discharged. The silence in the house without him is unnerving. It reminds me of my failure to protect him. I open the door to the house and quickly go and change out of my school uniform and into some black jeans and a sleeveless navy blue turtleneck. As soon as I'm ready I grab my phone and headphone and walk to the hospital. I put my headphones in and listen to Pretty Handsome Awkward by The Used. I listen to the music as I quickly make my way to the hospital. I can't wait to see Allen.

I arrive at the hospital around 30 minutes later and I go up to the receptionist and tell her I'm here to visit Allen Walker. She nods her head and tells me the room number, not like I know it already, and I start making my way down to him. When I reach his room I quietly open the door and find him asleep. His chest slowly rising and falling with each breath. I can't wait for him to be able to come home. I sit in the chair next to him and grab his hand and just wait for him to wake up. Soon enough his eyelids flutter open and he looks at me. "Kanda, what are you doing here?" he groggily says. "I'm here to see you, Baka Moyashi." I reply "Not a Moyashi." He quickly buts in. "No not any Moyashi. My Moyashi." I place a quick kiss on his forehead before we just start talking about... anything really. "Kanda?" He asks curiously. "What, Moyashi." He sighs as I say Moyashi. " Do you know when I am going to be discharged?" "Not really... I can go ask" I say "If you wouldn't mind." And with that, I get up to complete my task. I walk to the reception and ask there, but they say they don't know. I then try to find that doctor...Neah I think his name was. As I'm walking back to Allen's room I bump into him and ask him. He tells me that I will be able to take him home by tomorrow if his wound carries on healing nicely. I thank him and continue down to Allen's room. When I arrive Allen suddenly say "What happened to him?" I look at him and ask "Who?" "Cross..." The room becomes deadly silent at his name. I move to sit down in the chair next to the bed and answer his question. "He was put in prison for Child Abuse for 5 years." Silence then ensued again. I look at Allen not wanting to break the silence, He looks at me dead in the eye and says "God, I hope I never have to see his face again." "Me too."

After a while, I tell Allen that he can be discharged tomorrow if his wounds keep on healing like they are. He looks genuinely happy when I say that. Visiting hours are almost over so I say my goodbyes to Allen and walk out the hospital. I arrive at home and quickly do my homework and then head up to bed, not really feeling hungry.

The next day

Allen's POV

I wake up and realise today is the day I get to go home. I really can't wait to get out of this stuffy hospital with its clean smell. I can't wait to get back in my own bed, or just watching tv on a comfy couch. I really can't wait. Kanda walks into the room with Dr.Neah and I suddenly feel really really excited. I sit up and look hopefully at Neah. He nods and I let out a loud yelp of "Yes!" Kanda just stands there and chuckles to himself at my enthusiasm. Neah walks over to me and detaches all the monitors from me and switches them off. He then gives me a stern look and says " You cannot stand up by yourself. You need someone to help you in case you fall. Also, be careful as to not hurt your foot for the next few weeks." I nod and look at Kanda, silently asking if he will come and help me up, He nods and I slowly shimmy to the edge of the bed and wait for him to help me up. He gently grabs my hand and slowly pulls me up. When I am standing on both feet, I nearly fall because I haven't really been using my legs recently. When I am standing and steady Kanda places a bag of my clothes on the hospital bed. Neah then leaves the room to give me some privacy while Kanda turns around so I can get changed. I slowly get changed, trying my best to not topple over. When I am finally ready I am wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a long sleeved cotton top. I tell Kanda he can turn around as I pull on my pair of trainers. When he turns around I attempt to take a step forward... Only to wobble and fall onto him. He chuckles that manly, sexy chuckle and I laugh along with it. After we've had our little laugh I roll off him and he gets up then helps me up. When I'm up and standing I slowly walk out of the room, still unsure of my footing, and am met with Neah telling Kanda that I'm not allowed to do excess physical activities and should be resting and blahdy blahdy blah. All that fun stuff. Once Neah has finished with his extensive list of thing I should and shouldn't do I am allowed to be released. Apparently, while I was in the hospital, Komui offered to be my legal guardian until I was eighteen. Which I'm really thankful for as it means I won't be put in the foster system. Which then makes me wonder, Where are Kanda's parents. I'll need to ask him later. Outside Lavi was waiting with his car for us. I smile at him and wave and he does the same back. We get into his car and Lavi starts his usual chatter as he drives us to Kanda's. Kanda must have told them I live there now. I smile at my thoughts as I just realised there are no more secrets between any of my friends now. Kanda looks at me and notices my wide smile, all he does is smile back before he goes back to what must be an annoying conversation with Lavi.

We arrive outside of Kanda's house and before I can even open the door of the car Kanda is there, opening the car door and helping me out. I smile at him and slowly start walking towards the door, Lavi shouting goodbye as Kanda walks up to me with the bag he brought into the hospital. He goes to the door and unlocks it and holds it open as I walk in. I thank him and slowly and carefully make my way towards the couch, happy to be home. Kanda drops the bag by the door and makes his way into the kitchen, shouting through if I want anything to drink or eat. I shout back saying I want a cup of tea. A second later I hear the kettle boil. I melt into the couch as the smell of my Jasmine tea floats towards me.  Kanda eventually comes into the living room, carrying out tea and then placing the heavenly thing on the coffee table. He sits next to me and engulfs me in a gentle hug as he does I quietly say. " you'll never let go of me will you?"  He looks down at me and whispers into my ear, "Could you repeat that, I didn't hear." I suddenly turn beat red and say in a low voice, loud enough for him to hear. " I said, you'll never let go of me? Will you?"  He just smiles at me and kisses the tip of my ear as he quietly whispered breathlessly. "No, I'll never let go of you." After he says those words, I slowly drift into a peaceful sleep, cradled in his arms.

SORRY. Sorry this is so late but I had really bad writers block and had school work piling up for tests. I'm very sorry you've all had to wait this long for the last chapter. I do all hope you've enjoyed this little story, I tried my hardest and it is my first story so I hope you can forgive all the errors. Anyway, thanks for sticking with it this long, I really appreciate it. 😊

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