Chapter 9: Sleepless

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Sorry for not updating in a while but because I have a double update. YAY! I hope you all enjoy the update. Also one of the chapters is going to be longer than the rest so far, so stay tuned. ON WITH THE FIC!

1 week later.

Kanda's POV
Allen is constantly having these nightmares about Cross and it's starting to take it affect on him. He has started forming late bags under his eyes due to lack of sleep, and even when I say I won't leave him even if he falls asleep. But he just refuses and tells me to go to sleep. Like HELL I can go to sleep when my boyfriend can't. Then eventually sleep takes over my mind and I actually fall asleep. When I wake up, I find Allen hasn't had a wink of sleep. I think tonight is going to go the same way unless I do something about it.

It was around 9 when we decided to go to sleep and this time when Allen refused to go to sleep, I grabbed his shoulder and made him lie down. I then waited for him to go to sleep. It took a while but he eventually did, and then I followed into the land of dreams soon after. I was woken up by Allen screaming, crying and thrashing around in his sleep, I instantly hold him and start to him softly, it seemed to calm him down a bit so I continued until I started singing a soft lullaby to help him sleep. When we woke up in the morning, Allen had finally gotten a good night sleep and was looking much better. "Good morning Kanda." Moyashi said, a hint of cheer in his voice. "G'morning Moyashi." "Not a Moyashi." I got up and just as I was about to leave the room I said. "You don't have to wear long sleeves thing when we're alone you know." Referring to his left arm. " I feel more comfortable with it on." He answered. "Fine by me Moyashi." I then strode over to him and kissed him on the forehead and left the room to make breakfast.

Allen's POV
Stupid BaKanda. I thought, rubbing the place he kissed me, that area now burned with need but I just ignored the sensation. I then start to stare at the single bed and wonder how we both fit in there. Why am I thinking about this? Anyway, this is the first good sleep I have had in a while due to the nightmare I am constantly getting about Cross.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. I have to go before I get killed by Kanda for not updating. KIKU OUT.

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