Chapter 4: Moving

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Hi and sorry for the late update you know, school and all but I do hope you are still enjoying this. See you ate the end of this chapter then.

Time skip the day after.

Allan's POV
When Kanda comes in from school he makes me a cup of tea and helps me sit up and we sit in silence. He switches on the TV and then starts doing homework. "Kanda, what have I missed at school?" "Nothing just some Maths homework." "Oh." I scoot closer to Kanda and peer over his shoulder to have a look at the maths homework. I start to solve the problems in my head, their pretty easy but Kanda seems to be having trouble with them.

Kanda's POV

Ok, seeing the Moyashi scoot closer to me is just too fucking cute. Wait did I just call the Moyashi cute? Anyway, I need to put my focus back on the homework. But he's adorable when he is trying to peer over my should... Wait what I just called the Moyashi adorable, what the fuck is going on with me. "Kanda need some help with the homework?" "S...sure" I push the homework closer to him and he looks it over then grabs the pencil and starts explaining how to do this problem and that problem. Who knew he was such a whiz at maths! "How did you learn all of this?" "Well, I had to sort out Cross's bills so I had to learn all this." We finish the homework and then we watch TV for the rest of the night until we go to bed. "Moyashi..." "It's ALLEN!" "Moyashi, tomorrow I'll sort the spare room out. It must be uncomfortable sleeping on the couch every night." "No, it's not that bad." "Well, still you need a proper bed so I'll clean the room out tomorrow since it's Saturday." "Ok"
After that, I get up and switch off the light. "Goodnight Bakanda." "Goodnight Moyashi"

The Next Day.

Kanda's POV
I wake up at 7 and get washed and put on a black sleeveless tee and black jeans. I grab my hair tie from the bedstand and tie my hair into a perfect ponytail. I then walk downstairs and go straight to the couch but I don't find a Moyashi there. Where could he have gone? I then hear a cupboard shut in the kitchen. I rush over there only to see the Moyashi standing up in his loose school trouser and bandages making a two cups of tea. "What you doing Moyashi?" "My names Allen and I am making you and me a cup of tea Bakanda." "You didn't need to your still injured." "It doesn't hurt as much" "Really."
"Yes" "Ok then." I walk over to the Moyashi and lightly press on the area where his broken rib is. "Owowowowowo why'd you do that." He says holding his chest in pain. "And I only pressed lightly, you are still too injured. Back to the couch." "But.." "No, couch now." "Fine." He walks back to the couch sulking slightly all the way. I carry on making the cups of tea and then Hand him his." "Thanks." I sit down next to him and I drink all my tea. "Well, I better get started on the spare room." "Let me help." "No." "But whyyyyy." "Why do you think?" I point my finger to his chest. "Fine, I'll sit here and be useless." He says this pouring. He's pouting. So fucking cute. What am I thinking? I get up and head up to the spare room. It's filled with a few boxes and a sword stand. The sword stand holds my family heirloom, a sword called Mugen. I head over to the stand and pick Mugen up and dust it off the. Place it back on the stand. Next, I head over to the first box. I wipe the dust off the top and cough at the amount of dust. I then hear shuffling outside the room. Hmm, Moyashi must be up to something. I'll leave him be for Now. I then pick up the box in front of me and take it to the attic and place it in the corner. I then Hear the Beansprout run out of the room. Wonder what he is up to? Leave him. I continue doing this until the room is empty except for a bed, a bedside table and a cupboard. I start walking downstairs only to see the Moyashi cleaning something. I then get closer to see that it is nothing else than Mugen.
"Why do you have Mugen?" "I..I was just cleaning it." He says startled. "Why?"
"Well, your letting me stay here and since I can't help clear the spare room I thought I could at least do this." "Anyway your room is empty and clean." "Thanks. Here." He shoves the sword in my face after it's been cleaned and polished. "Thanks, Moyashi."

Allens POV

After I give Kanda the clean and polished sword he gets a book of the table and starts reading it. Wonder what it's about.
I reach for the TV remotes and put Criminal Minds on. I sit in silence with him. I don't usually like silence but I like it when I'm with him, it make me feel safe. After about an hour I painfully get up and start to walk to the stairs "Goodnight Kanda." "Goodnight and sweet dreams Moyashi." I walk up the stairs and go into my new room, get Into bed and finally fall asleep. But my dreams aren't sweet there as sour as they possibly can be.

Hope you enjoyed again sorry for the late update. Don't hit me plz!
Kanda: I will if you don't hurry up.
Allen: No -Grabs Kanda- Kiku-San RUN He will Kill You!!
Kiku: WELP. Bye!! -runs away from Kanda-

Don't let go.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن