Chapter 1

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"NATE, Get up! we need to get this place sorted out before Matt comes to stay!"
Nate woke up startled to the sound of his girlfriend Morgan, whining at him to get up. They had to be ready before midday because Nate's best friend Matt was coming over.
He squinted over to look at the time,
11 o'clock! He had to be ready to pick Matt up from the airport in an hour!
"Oh heck! Sorry Morg! What do u want me to do?"
"It's fine, well I've started to cook the dinner for tonight and I've made Matt's bed up , so if you could start by first getting changed and freshening up that would be great because your hair is crazy right now!"

Nate slowly lifted himself up from the bed and stood up, he lifted his hand up to his ebony hair and combed it into a slight quiff. He turned and looked at Morgan and pretended to show off his hair. She giggled as Nate pulled her into a tight hug, he spun her around and kissed her forehead softly.
"Don't worry I'll get everything done I promise!" He whispered.
Morgan slowly pulled away and kissed him, she walked to the door and quickly turned around and exclaimed,
"Love you!"
Nate smiled at her before returning the
"Love you too!"

Nate quickly showered and got dressed, he wore a green t-shirt covered by a black waistcoat, his jet black skinny jeans had rips at the kneecaps but he didn't care. He pulled on a pair of pikachu socks, gelled his hair into a more permanent quiff and bolted out of the bedroom door.

Morgan was baking in the kitchen when Nate had finally got ready, a sweet smell was coming from the kitchen and he was keen to find out what it was. He walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders and gave her a mini massage.
"What ya doing?" He questioned.
"Well I know Matt loves Diet Coke and I found a recipe online where you cook ham in Diet Coke so I thought I'd give it a try,"
"Ooh! K I've got changed, I've showered now what do you want me to do?"
Morgan pointed behind him to the clock on the wall; 11:25.
Nate ran to the coffee table and grabbed his keys, he then bolted back to give Morgan a kiss on the cheek.
"I'll be back in about an hour, see you in a bit!"
Nate pulled on his black high tops, put on his glasses and opened the front door.
"Bye Morg!"
"Bye Nate!"

Nate locked the door behind him and walked to the car, he saw something sticking out of the mailbox.
He pulled the slightly torn sheet out of the box and stuffed it into
his pocket
"I'll read it whilst I wait for Matt," he murmured.

After a long 30 minute journey, Nate finally arrived at the airport. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket
He had put the trophy there because he thought it looked like the game theory logo. Nate unlocked his phone and read the message.
I'm just going through security see u in a few! 😊
Nate sat up in his car seat so he could keep an eye out for Matt, he put his phone back into his pocket and caught his finger on the flyer he stuffed in his pocket, slightly staining the corner in blood.
"What the.."
Nate read it repeatedly and couldn't believe what he was seeing!
"Hang on, Freddy Fazbear's IS a real place!" He exclaimed.

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