"Wow really? Who knew living in England my whole life would give me an accent?" Marley asked sarcastically before pointing a finger and the raven haired boy.

"I'm British and your stupid for wearing a hat when it's basically over three hundred degrees," Marley said pushing a wet curl out of her face while the boys looked at her in confusion.

"I am really sorry, I tried to break but I didn't do it in time. Your phone didn't get wet did it?" The ginger boy asked after putting his t-shirt back on.

"I don't have a phone. Thank god I don't otherwise I would be really angry," Marley said while taking off her converse and pouring the water out.

"My name is Archie, and this is my best-friend Jughead, what's your name?" Archie asked and Marley raised an eyebrow at him.

"My name is Marley and I am really angry right now. This isn't the time to be giving me fake names. If you didn't want to tell me your names you didn't have to. Archie sounds believable but 'Jughead'? Come on," Marley said while hopping on one foot to put her converse back on.

"His name really is Jughead and my name really is Archie. You are new around here, are you starting at Riverdale middle school next week? We are. We are going to be 8th graders," Archie said excitedly and Marley raised an eyebrow.

"What on earth is a 8th grader? And what is middle school? In England I was about to start year seven," Marley said while squeezing the excess water out of her curls.

"Middle school... you know, a school you go to in the middle of elementary and High school..." Archie tried to explain and Marley raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Dude, they don't have high-schools or Middle schools in England," Jughead's whispered to Archie but Marley heard it and crossed her arms over her chest.

"We do have high-schools in England! I just never heard of middle school or 8th graders before," Marley explain and Jughead raised an eyebrow while Archie slightly tilted his head.

"That's weird. So what grade do you go into when you are thirteen?" Archie asked and Marley shrugged.

"It's called year 8," Marley explained and the boys both raised an eyebrow and looked at each other and Marley sighed.

"Do any of you Tweenies have the time?" Marley asked and Jughead raised an eyebrow before checking his wrist watch that his dad got for him.

"It's 5:45," Jughead said and Marley gasped before picking up her skateboard.

"My aunt told me not to be late for tea at six," Marley said and Archie raised an eyebrow in confusion again.

"You have tea in the summer?" Archie asked and Marley raised an eyebrow and shook her head.

"Dude, tea means lunch in England," Jughead said and Marley rolled her eyes.

"What? No it doesn't. I've already had lunch now it's time for tea," Marley said and it was jugheads turn to be confused.

"You have a set time where you just drink tea?" Jughead asked and Marley shook her head.

"No, you don't have to have tea at teatime," Marley said and the boys looked at her in confusion and Marley shook her head not wanting to explain teatime to them.

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