"I can see why that would be an emergency," muttered Denise. She looked away, cocking her head to the right. "I still don't like it though."

"You don't have to like it," said Sasha with a grin. "It's up to Jess if she wants to go back or not." I didn't respond. Throwing in my dad seemed to have taken the edge off of them, but I knew it was a horrible lie. No doubt Black would show up tomorrow in class too, and I had to show him I was at least thinking about his proposal. This was the only way I could show him that I was.

"Ah!" Denise suddenly let out a high-pitched squeal. "We're going to be late! See? That's what your father does to me! Pisses me off so much that I forget the time!" Sasha started laughing and I grinned as we gathered our materials and rushed to our Anatomy class. We arrived in class and I looked over to see them completely forget about the conversation and start panicking about the exam. I leaned over to them.

"I'll meet y'all back at the library when you finally finish."

"Don't tease me like that," joked Sasha as she elbowed me. I smiled and turned my attention to the test that was recently passed out. The test didn't take me long, and soon enough I completed it. I turned it in and exited the classroom, making my way towards the library. I sighed heavily, finally allowing my thoughts to clear as I thought about my current situation.

I didn't want to put it past Black to harm Denise or Sasha in an attempt to get me to go back. Bringing up the Crimson Crow incident made me realize he was serious about it. Knowing he had been here a long time without my knowledge made me burn with anger. Once again, Black was playing with me. I narrowed my eyes as I opened the library door, and walked over to the section covering criminal justice. I dropped my bag on the table and unloaded some of my materials for my master's thesis. I stared at the materials for a moment, and as I was about to open up one of my books, I felt the hair on the back of my neck bristle up. I looked over my shoulder, my eyes burning with anger, to see Black a few tables down, his feet propped up and an arrogant smile plastered on his face. He had a book in his hand, but even I could tell he hadn't been reading.

"Done with that exam?" I narrowed my eyes and turned my back on him, shoving my things back in my bag. I'd text Denise and Sasha and tell them I was going to go meet with Professor Peterson about my thesis. They would understand that. Suddenly I saw a shadow fall over the table, and I turned around to see Black nearly hovering over me. I narrowed my eyes at him and balled my hands into fists. "I wish you wouldn't ignore me."

"Don't talk to me and I wouldn't have to ignore you."

Black smiled. "It's nice to see you get your sassy attitude back. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it."

"I'd be lying if I said I missed you," I snarled. I grabbed my bag, whirled around, and headed to the exit. Black's hand grabbed my arm, and I felt myself spin around. I ended up with my back up against the bookshelves in the aisle, and Black was hovering over me, his eyes filled with anger but his expression remained calm.

"You obviously have forgotten your position," said Black quietly as he rested his hands on the shelves, trapping me in the middle. "You don't know how badly I want to take you right now. To take you back to the states, and make sure you stay there for good."
"Then why don't you?" Shit, Jessica! Don't provoke the man! But there was something about him that I couldn't figure out. Why had he left me alone all this time?

Black's eyes narrowed dangerously. He lifted his hand and placed it on my cheek. "I was hoping you would come to the conclusion yourself. I'm letting you have a choice."

"Gee, that's considerate," I scoffed. "Bringing up the Crimson Crow sure does sound like my own 'choice' in the matter."

"I never said I would," said Black softly as his eyes changed to his humorous glint. "It's only a possibility. I can be patient. I have been for a long time."

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