"Okay." I said, a little disappointed from what he just told. "Please just try to be quick with whatever you're going to do. Maybe you can make it to dinner." 

"You're pushing it too hard." he said. 

"I think you'll enjoy it." He probably wasn't going to, because he never liked Ken and he had no interest in his new family. I was excited though, to meet Liam's new brother and see his fathers house. Now I was happier because Zayn was going to be there with us. "I gotta get change." 

He just nodded and poured himself a glass of water. "Anne." he said just as I was leaving the kitchen. "Haley said you can keep the dress if you want to." I just nodded and left the kitchen. 

I burrowed a dress from Haley for the dinner. I've never met Ken's new wife Robin before, I also haven't seen Ken for years, so I thought jeans would be too casual. I walked into my room and closed the door. The dress was laying on my bed. It was plain black, the skirt was up on my knees and it had long sleeves. It was also covering my chest, I really liked it. Haley was always wearing nice clothes and I thought maybe I could go for a little shopping too. 

I closed the curtains, unwrapped my towel and put my matching bra and knickers on. I took the remote of my stereo from the drawer and pressed play without thinking. The familiar tune sent shivers through my spine as soon as it started playing, I knew I promised myself not to think about it today but it was impossible. The memories of what happened three days ago sneaked into my mind, I just closed my eyes and let them in. The same song, Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah was playing in the background and his plump lips were pressed on mine. I could still feel the coldness of the chain of his silver necklace between my fingers and his warm breath against my lips, the safety I felt between his arms and his firm chest pressed mine. It was so intense and different. I've been kissed before but none of them made me feel like he did. Harry was one of the most beautiful guy I've ever seen, I knew every girl who got kissed by him would do the same as I did and kiss him back. But that wasn't the point, the thing was why it didn't feel like a normal kiss? What was so special about it? Why even the thought of kissing him again was sending shivers through my whole body?   

I was so confused. There was a huge sign in my mind saying 'Why?'. Why did he kiss me? Why did that forbidden kiss made me feel like I was in some other place, a better place? Why did he leave without saying anything? What was the reason of the fear I saw in his eyes before he got out? I felt like just as I was thinking I got the answers I needed from Harry, he was just leaving me with more questions in my head, confusing me even more than he did before. 

I told myself that it just happened and didn't mean anything, but it was a huge lie. I was thinking about it all the time for the last three days. I tried to convince myself that I didn't want to see him again. But I was jumping out of my seat whenever the door bell rang and looking out to see the black Range Rover, then sitting back down as there was only Niall's old, grey Peugeot 208 parked in front of the yard. I knew I wanted to see him again, I had no idea what would I do or say to him but I just wanted to.

The door bell rang and I startled, crawled back to the reality. I was still sitting on my bed, in my underwear. I quickly got up and put the black dress on, cursed myself for not being quicker. I could hear Niall's laughers from here as I checked myself in the mirror, I was looking nice and definitely skinnier than I was in black. I got out to get the curling iron from the bathroom but before that, I decided to go to the living room and say hi to Niall.  

"There she is." Niall said as soon as I stepped in. Him and Zayn was sitting on the couch, Niall was drinking beer. 

"Hey Niall." I said and smiled. Yes, he could be annoying sometimes but I mostly liked Niall, he was a nice person. Well, from what I could see at least. 

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