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The very first thing everyone should know is that if you invite the seven most powerful beings in the universe then choose a more open space, with much more windows and which is possibly overground and is much less humid (an open space where you have plenty of room to run away is recommended).

I don't have to act as if I am not scared, because I clearly am. Their very presence is terrifying, well perks of being the guardians of the earth. They ought to be powerful, otherwise will people trust them? Nope. They are obviously not human, at least not fully. They are the top secretive society who does not like the limelight and is more comfortable doing the main job while staying behind the curtain. Isn't this how every superhero does it? Anyway, they are my idols, I did not even know they existed in flesh and bones before I found them two days earlier. I first met them in a scripture which was believed to be a legend and was first published in 1600's. Yeah I know, I was stupid enough to believe the authenticity and believe in what was possibly a legend, I was thirteen by the way. But now, after four years of noticing and connecting the dots I have found them. Well, I can tell you that the legend was not a popular one. I don't know anybody who knew about it. Not to brag but I was able to know more than everybody else. They have existed since the start of time, I believe it to be quite literally, they dont specifically guard humans but the whole ecosystem comes under them. They really have supernatural powers and may have even caused natural disasters. The sad (or relieving) thing? They don't use their power everytime, just like 10 percent of the time. I know, it is not actually protecting us, but they are quite wise.

One more thing, when they started it they were twelve, yes they didn't even hit teenage (probably puberty too) and they were given the task of the world, that's parenting done right people. Not to get sidetracked, I managed to get to them and that's pretty much how it went.

'Okay, where do you want us to start?' spoke the guy who was wearing black leather and sitting in the middle of the curved line those other six made. 'Where you feel comfortable with' I replied in a low and quivering voice.

What, I'm a sissy? If you have the presence of the seven most powerful beings in one room knowing that they can blast you to smithereens (even though they haven't) you are a hair's breadth away from peeing you pants and kneeling down while screaming "forgive me your Excellency!". Their presence is like a weight on your body. So dont judge me, I have just written a bunch of lines now.

So what is the question? Why am I writing this book? Because I had the most amazing yet terrifying revelation ever and I felt the need to share it with you guys. Now let me tell you, these records can be fake too, I'm not a pathological liar but the people I just met can be imposters (I'm still posting it) So cross your fingers (or don't) that these stories are true.

'Were you not the one who called us here?' this time the girl beside the guy who asked me the question spoke. God she was beautiful. 'You guys are a mystery' said I. 'That's what we intended to be' countered the guy in the corner. Why were they all speaking in turns? Were they a confusion club too? 'We should start from the time when we were twelve, afterall that was the time when we really came to know about us' replied another girl from the next corner. Every one in the room nodded, except me. 'Umm, guys, can I call you guys? Is it possible that you minimize the mouths uttering the words? My neck will pain after a few minutes if this continues'. 'Oh, sure we will! So now only Sebastian and I will speak while having occasional commentary from others. All right?' replied the beautiful girl while pointing to Mr. Black leather guy who now had a name. Seb. 'Okay thanks, but can I take notes? You guys even if secretive have some information about yourself in the world, so something more would make an interesting book' said I after getting more comfortable as I spent more time as me and not a pile of ash. 'We had a book deal Anna?' asked Seb, perplexed, it looked like he was about to veto that idea. 'It does not matter now, Seb, people will not interfere and what we are telling him is the past. The past will not affect the present nor the future, it is isolated after being written down and is remembered as teachings' the beautiful girl whose name was just revealed by Seb, shut him up. So beautiful girls can be quoters too? I didn't know, well first time for everything.

Yeah I know, you must be thinking I am biased, I actually am not, I think beautiful girls can be intelligent too, I was just unfortunate to not stumble across one, until now. I know what else you are thinking. I am a pervert and an ignorant person, so ignorant that I didn't even bother to know the names of the people I dreamt of meeting. In my defense I am not a pervert, I am respected by girls and some of them even made me their brother by tying a rakhi (Indian tradition), I really don't know how to take the sister thingy but I think it proves my point that I'm not a pervert. As for being ignorant, nobody knows their names! I just approached them and referred to them as 'the guardians' and they came.

'who is the leader among you?' I asked, thinking since I called them I should behave like an interviewer. 'We were assigned our powers in a such a way that one can't function alone, so basically no leader, just partners' answered Seb, who thankfully wasn't having the death glare. 'But Seb and I can be called the most idiotic yet responsible' added Anna. I looked at others and they all seem to agree. 'You don't leave a chance to try to highlight me or yourself right Anna?' asked Seb jokingly. 'I'm just telling the truth' argued Anna turned as she turned away from Seb. 'Who assigned you these powers?' I asked after I thought I gave them enough time to finish the joke. 'The powers were assigned to us by....' Anna was interrupted by the girl sitting at the corner. The girl said it would be revealed in the story we tell so I have to wait. 'Then let me hear the story!' I said enthusiastically. Seb began by saying, 'I think I should start from the time I recently shifted with my parents to Delhi and got late for school on the first day....'

The Chronicles Of God : The Choosing CeremonyWhere stories live. Discover now