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"Dear you"

The light morning dew had covered the windows and trees. The weather had changed,from Spring to Autumn. The very word Autumn brings one loneliness and sadness but it was very different for her. She was tired of all the brightness,cheer and happiness in the weathers that came before. All she needed was peace and quite and that was exactly what autumn brought her.

The birds had all migrated to North by now, except a few. Iseul knew that they'll die sooner or later but some of them proved her miserably wrong ,every year. She couldn't help but think of them as stubborn. You can't live happy and secure life without friends and family,she believed.

She knew that you'll either die or change soon .What's the point of being brave and strong when you can't even secure yourself?You can't lie for that long saying that you're strong enough and can cope with it because someday the cruel world will take its shape upon you and it 'will' change you. She believed that this whole idea of staying alone and being independent was rather foolish.

Or maybe she was the foolish one.

Iseul put on her coat and boots before leaving the comforts of her house. The moment she stepped out, she was greeted with the chilly breeze caressing her face; It always seemed to sooth her eyes. 

She saw and observed many things on the way,The sky was duller and the trees paler. She loved every moment of this.You see, young Iseul would give anything to not be in the sun. No she was absolutely not a vampire- Nyctophilia,love for darkness, would be a more comprehensive word.

 She noticed beautiful people (maybe took a bit longer to stare at them) and she saw average people.She saw cheerful and happy people however she also saw dull and depressed people. She saw people hiding sadness and pain behind their smiles, and she saw people minding their very business. She saw overworked and stressed people and she saw relieved and grateful people. She had seen it all, to the point that the rush and gloom became a norm;but the ones she admired the most were: children.

Well of course, that made her life more interesting and colorful.

Her steps continued to pace faster and become more impatient as she neared her destination.  

"Good morning" She calmly acknowledged all her teachers as they lightly nodded back,light smiles illuminated their otherwise dull faces.

Iseul had a sense of involuntary excitement deep in her gut, resulting for her to obliviously tap two of her fingers together while walking to her class.

"I want you all to pick a partner for the class, after this you will be paired up with each other for the rest of this year" The teacher announced. "And no Heemin, I've made it clear that you can't pair up with Mira. You two lads are nothing but trouble, I'd say"

Many looked around, eyes stopping at their best friends. Many looks were exchanged with huge grins plastered on their faces but Iseul knew she had the lower hand in this situation.

Iseul had had many friends in the classroom due to her always ,supposedly cheerful and happy personality but she never got too close to any of her classmates no matter how nice they were. She just felt like she couldn't fit in. So the best thing to do in a situation like this was to act like you're taking a nap so that you'll be the odd one out who can, hopefully, work alone.

But she was disturbed from her innovative thoughts as she heard ruffling on the seat next to her.

"Hey You're Iseul" A familiar male voice spoke up, the sentence came out more as a statement than a question, and was probably not the best thing to say. She could recognize this person for Iseul had never talked to him but she had always observed him. She had observed everyone.

"That's me" She sat up while giving the young boy a small smile.

The boy seemed awkward and looked a bit uncomfortable as he fiddled with his fingers and continued "Umm I was thinking, whether you could be my term partner?" He spoke softly, his eyes seemed to marvel at the otherwise boring black board.

The guy was quite shy, or maybe just not good with new people but the sense of domination was also a good reason why Iseul decided to loosen up around him. "Yes, sure it would be a pleasure for me" His eyes lit up when he heard that and smiled widely in relief.

"But..why me?" Iseul asked in curiosity; however, it only seemed to make the boy more uncomfortable. Maybe she shouldn't have asked that, but now it was done and he had to answer it.

"Well..I- Uhm have seen your work and it was very admirable..." He trailed off, trying to find a good excuse.

He didn't know himself why he bothered to ask her, she just seemed so easy to approach .

And Iseul formed an 'O' with her lips, nodding .She decided not to push the topic any further.

"You're very good too you know" Iseul pointed out his skills. She had seen his work on the cover of the school magazine, she was impressed but never thought much of it. Mostly because she didn't know him personally.

"Oh Thank you" He smiled,  fiddling with the ends of his cuffs. So.. he was the type to fiddle with things, Iseul noticed.

"But.." He went on "I like to sketch the things that I find marvelous...There's so much beauty in this world, I want to grab that beauty and preserve it...So that it is never forgotten, that's one of the reasons that I admire art" he smiled,that's when Iseul saw something that she had never seen burning so strong in his eyes, or anyone's eyes as a matter of fact- Passion. "In your paintings, I saw a sense of sophistication, a sense of elegance that made the beautiful sights of the world even more alluring. Most people cannot show the beauty like that. It's artist who are able to help people experience the wondrous sights in this world" He spoke with new-found confidence.

He was lost in his own world while talking about his love for art and how he believed that if they  worked together, they would be able to make something beautiful out of it. After finishing, he looked towards Iseul who had a wide grin swept across her face. She smiled at him with new-found admiration.

"What's your name?" She asked, it was quite an awkward question but in this case she already felt comfortable.

"Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you" He smiled.


"And that's how we first met"

"For real? You're pulling my leg aren't you?" The young girl asked, quite unsure about the cliche story the lady continued to tell her.

"Why? I am telling the truth" She replied firmly.

She was much calmer, she wasn't how she used to be. Iseul had grown up.

"From the likes of it, this sounds like a K-drama" The teen replied not caring much about the older's feelings. She had only realized her rude behavior after she had spoken

But Iseul only laughed "I also believed that things like this only happen in movies but I was proven wrong ,wasn't I?"

"No...But Love honestly is something that we can think about only in our imagination , so whenever someone talks about their significant other. I don't think much of it because they're gonna break up anyways " the younger explained, in a more gentle manner.

Iseul sighed, shaking her head at the careless behavior of the latter.

"You'll understand, Love isn't a noun. It's a verb. There's so much more to it than what meets the eye" She replied sitting back at the bench. She knew that the girl was still too young and naive to understand the meaning of the term 'love'.

"I see, I have to go now. Goodbye" Falaq bowed as she grabbed her backpack in a hurry and walked away, waving goodbye to Iseul.

The lady was quite amused. Mostly because she could see the shattered aura that radiated off the otherwise reckless and bright young girl.


Truly this book got more views than I expected it to get, thank you guys so much for actually taking out the time to check this out!




"Aeonian Promise"-Jeon Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now