remember from here on in

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"Hang on, please, for just like gen more minutes." Lin walked up to the front of the stage after their bows. "This was supposed to happen at tonight's show but it's happening now." Lin took a breath as Anthony, Pippa, Daveed, Jazzy, and Renee walked right next to him, a few others lingered behind them. "As some of you may know, I've had a foster daughter for about 3 or 4 months now, so Bailey can you come here for a second."
"Don't use the wings, you can jump up." Anthony pushed Lin away from the microphone gently as I stood up. Anthony always thought it was dumb that Lin didn't like me jumping on stage.
I walked past a few people and jumped on stage as people clapped.
I stood between Lin and Anthony, who both had their arms around me, as Lin started to speak.
"You can record this or take pictures if you want," Lin started, "Bails, you are apart of the family, Sebastian adores you, V and I love you."
"And the cast." Anthony interrupted, "We love you so much." Everyone nodded and said "yes" in agreement.
"I was getting there." Lin laughed, "Ok so, Bails, I'm glad that I get to see you do gymnastics,"
"She's really good at gymnastics." Jonathan added, causing everyone to laugh.
"And just see you learning new things, and having an opinion, and having dreams that you work for." I nodded and looked around at the cast. "Pippa?"
Pippa came up behind Lin and handed him a paper, which he then handed the paper to me.
An adoption paper.
"You didn't..." I looked up smiling and biting my lip a little.
"Well," Lin smiled, and I jumped on him. He picked me up and hugged me.
I felt Anthony come in too, and a lot more people, I heard clapping. A few tears of joy ran down my face as I was set down.
"Bails!" Anthony yelled and picked me up. "You don't understand how excited I was when I found out." I laughed as he kissed my cheek and set me down.
It was like the audience wasn't there anymore, I was walking around hugging everyone and having short conversations about how excited we were until I got back to Lin.
"Thank you all for coming out and being apart of it, I hope you enjoyed the show!" Lin said and everyone clapped.
"Thank you so much dad, this is pretty much the best day of my life." I thanked him and hugged him again.
"When Anthony and Jazzy were supposed to take you out to dinner that's when it was supposed to happen they were gonna take you while I finished up, but the papers fell through and they had to look at more stuff." He explained as more people came over.
"Pippa!" I yelled, and ran to hug her.
"B, this is great!" She released the hug and held me and arms length away from her, then kissed the top of my head.
In those ten minutes, I felt so loved and appreciated and just happy. I didn't think about being sent home from school. I didn't think about all the times I had been empty and sad, even though it was usually lingering in my mind. I was just fully happy.
Sorry it's such a short chapter, but I wanted it to be it's own chapter.

Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora