when you're livin' on your knees you rise up

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"Wake up kid," Lin shook me gently, he must've carried me last night because I don't remember walking up, I just remember falling asleep on Jon's couch. But I have my blanket so I don't know. "We're going shopping today?"
"What time is it?" I asked turning over and pulling my blanket closer.
"It's 9." Lin answered sitting on my bed.
"Who all is going?" I sat up, not letting go of my blanket.
"Me you and Seb." Lin paused, "Why do you carry the blanket everywhere, not being rude, just wondering."
"My older brother gave it to me." I answer simply, looking at the blue blanket. I loved the blanket, when Ryan was in like 10th grade he had a friend who made the professional blankets like the ones you buy and Ryan had him make me one. It's a baby blue with a cute snowman in the middle, around the snowman there were random things, hearts, gymnast sillouettes, and other stuff. It was kind of dirty but I didn't mind. I explained a short Version of what I wrote and watched as Lin nodded.
"What was his name?" He asked after a minute.
"Ryan." I messed with my necklace.
"Does your necklace have to do with him?"
"Yeah." I pulled the necklace from under my t-shirt, I must've been somewhat coherent because I was in a t-shirt and shorts. I literally always wore the necklace, in the past two years I can't think of a time I didn't wear it. "It's his military dog tags and I have a little sister necklace, obviously and he had a big brother key chain, I had that buried with him though. I just put my charm on his chain because it was less work and it's longer."
"How old were you, when he- ya know."  Lin was trying to be respectful while asking this which I appreciate.
"I was nine, almost ten. My parents died when I was 7 almost 8, so I lived with Ryan from age 8 to nine." Ryan was ten, almost eleven years older then me so he just made the cut to have custody of me.
"But he was in the military right?" Lin asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, he was only deplored, that's the words right?, once and that was the first and last time." I noticed Lin rubbing my back, I didn't push him away, "I lived with his best friend, Connor during that time, it was only two months though, but after Ryan died, they moved me to foster care."
"Im sorry." Lin apologized standing up.
I just shrugged, "It was probably better for Connor, my brothers 11 years older than me and Connor is 12, it was probably better for his sake to not have a nine year old around all the time."
"I love you," Lin kissed my forehead, "Get dressed me and Seb are ready whenever you are."
"Thanks Lin." I climbed out of bed and grabbed a plain black sports bra and a black t-shirt. I put that on and got white-washed skinny jeans. I put those on and got my plain black and white tennis shoes, I paired them with white socks and put my hair in a side braid. Just in case, I put a extra hair tie on my wrist. 
"You want food?" Lin asked when I walked out, "I made pancakes."
"Yeah, just two please." Lin still hadn't gotten used to the idea I'm not used to eating a lot, he thinks I have an eating disorder or something.
"You sure?" Lin got two pancakes off the stove and I nodded, thanking him, then went to sit next to Sebastian at the kitchen table. We quickly ate and then Lin rushed us out the door.
"What do we need to go shopping for?" I asked Lin as I buckled my seat belt.
"You need a phone, some more clothes, and a laptop because you can't keep doing school on mine." I nodded, but I knew I didn't need a phone. Some more clothes? I did need that. "You need some fancier clothes too."
Lin pulled up to the first store, Aeropostale and helped me look around. "What about these?" Lin asked handing me a 6th pair of skinny jeans.
"I already have three at home and these." I argued holding up the jeans I have.
"Fine I'll hold them then." Lin walked to t-shirts and picked out four of the just brand t-shirts, I didn't stop him. I grabbed a few Camis and bras/underwear while Lin was away from me.
"Lin I'm ready." I said holding the stuff I picked out and looking at what Lin had, he had 2 jeans, 4 shirts, a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and some workout clothes. Any other store I would've argued but Aeropostale was fairly cheap and had like buy one get one deals, I put my stuff on the counter and walked away from the register. After he had paid, we walked to the Apple Store, Lin wouldn't let me in, he made me walk around with Sebastian, promising he would be fast. I nodded as he handed me a 50 telling me to go to nearby stores and get some stuff.
I took Sebastian's hand and went to the Hot Topic, because I knew they had the necklaces I liked. I picked out 1 set of chokers, and a lanyard. Humming along to the All Time Low song that was playing, I dragged Sebastian to the register and paid. It came to under 30 dollars, which I was happy for. I walked out of the store and waited in front of the Apple Store for Lin to come out.
"Here." Lin said once he walked out of the store, he handed me a black IPhone 6s. I smiled, the black is so aesthetically pleasing.
"Thanks Lin." I hug him as he suggest we go to Claire's for a case. I agree and we walk to the next corner where the Claire's is. After about debating over it and looking crazy for like 5 minutes we decide on a clear one with teal elephants.

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