that's what i'm talking about

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"Did you have fun?" Lin asked as I walked in.
"Yeah, we went and visited theatres, and ate M&Ms." I smiled and threw myself on the couch.
"That's what she fed you?" Lin asked, laughing, "I'm gonna hurt her. I got you school stuff while you were gone, you start this Monday." It's Saturday.
"Yippee." I replied sarcastically, "The only friends I have will be because of you."
"That's not true, they'll love you." I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, they'll love how often I'm on your Twitter page." Lin quickly told me to shut up. "I'm not following your schedule by the way."
"Well whatever you do will have to be pretty close to what the schedule is."
"Do I have to go to gymnastics like every single day? I don't want to do gymnastics." I shrugged.
"You have to practice things that you're good at if you want to get better." Lin said.
"I know but it just like, it doesn't interest me that much anymore." I shrugged.
"Will you still practice? Like go to the days where anyone can go? I don't want you to lose the skills." I rolled my eyes and nodded. "I'll call."
"I'm going to my room, is Seb asleep?" Lin nodded pulling out his phone, "Ok, I'll try not to be like running down the hallway screaming." 
"Thanks." Lin said sarcastically, as I walked away.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't want to do gymnastics anymore, I haven't been hanging out with the cast as much.
'Can you come over ?' I texted Gavin, 'I'm bored.'
Sure. He texted back almost immediately.
'Gavin is coming over.' I texted Lin and he yelled an Ok. 'Seb is asleep.' I texted again and heard him groan. I laughed and rolled my eyes.
I pull out my journal and write while I wait for Gavin. I write for about ten minutes when Gavin comes in.
"Hey." I smile and throw my journal on my nightstand. "Come sit."
"Hi." He sat next to me and I moved closer to the wall.
"Hi." I repeated, "What's up?"
"Nothing really, you know I have no life." He laughed.
"Same. I have to start normal school soon." I groaned.
"That sucks." Gavin was homeschooled to, it was fairly common in New York.
We both got on our phones for a few minutes, because why be bored alone when you can be bored together.
"Bails." I bit my lip at the nickname, that's what Anthony first called me.
"Yeah?" I set my phone down on the bed.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, and I quickly shook my head, my mind racing a mile a second? Is that the phrase, I don't remember.
"No." I turned and faced the wall.
"Come on." He urged, grabbing my face and gently turning it.
"Gav, no!" I said as he leaned toward my face. "Stop Gavin!" I pushed his face away and he rolled his eyes.
"I'm leaving." Gavin unplugged his phone and walked out.
I sat on my bed, there's no way that just happened. Where did that come from? He's never been like that before. I wiped my eyes as I felt tears form. I groaned and leaned backwards on the bed.
"Lin?" I whimpered, not expecting him to hear me. He didn't, so I picked my sorry self up and walked to the living room. "Lin?" I repeated and let a tear fall.
I don't know why I'm crying, I'm being such a wimp about this.
"What's wrong, mija?" He asked holding his arms out. I cried in his arms.
I'm not even only crying about Gavin, I'm crying about everything. It's probably all just dumb stuff that's built up. Lin rubbed my back and pulled out his phone, texting someone, probably Vanessa.
"What's wrong, baby girl? You have to tell me what's wrong so I can help?" I wrapped my arms around Lin's neck. "You have to talk."
"I don't want to talk about it." I whined, my tears slowing.
"You have to, so I can fix it." Lin wiped a tear from my face.
"No!" I repeated, and started crying again. Why am I crying in the first place? He didn't kiss me, but he probably hates me now.
"Shh, Mija." Lin held me close for who knows how long, but it must've been a while because when I sat up Anthony and Jasmine were there.
"I don't want to talk to you." I told Anthony, "I'm mad at you. But hi Jazzy."
"I know you're mad at me, you deserve to be mad at me, but can we talk? Not even about the text, we can talk about whatever just happened." Anthony begged and I shrugged.
"Pip told me what happened." Jasmine said, "I'm a little mad at him too." I loved Jasmine, she always made me laugh.
"I guess." I shrugged. "My room?"
"Lets go." Anthony smiled and I followed him to my room.
"It's really dumb." I warned as we sat down.
"If you're crying about it it's not dumb." I rolled my eyes at Anthony and pulled a blanket up to my face.
"Gavin came over-" I started but Anthony cut me off.
"Gavin? Consider him dead." I told him to let me finish.
"And we were hanging out, and he asked if he could kiss me and I said no, and he kept trying then he walked out."
"Don't worry about it." Anthony hugged me. "And I'm sorry for what I said earlier, it was out of line, but you're like my little sister so I'm supposed to be like that." I laughed at Anthony as he did what he called the 'cupcake pose'.
"Whatever." I joked.
"You love me." Anthony joked, slinging an arm around my shoulder, and kissing my forehead.
I'm gonna be in Washington DC tomorrow and I'm really excited.

Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant