wise up

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"Bails." Lin knocked on my bedroom door and I rolled over to heck my phone. 6:34 a.m. "Bailey get up."
"Ok." I replied but laid in bed.
"Bails for real, I packed your book bag while you were asleep because you forgot to." I didn't forget. I thought if I didn't pack it he wouldn't make me go.
"Ok, Lin." I rolled over, and stepped off the bed. "I'm up, and I'm getting in the shower." 
Lin mumbled an ok and I walked to the closet to get clothes.
I got my clothes then walked down the hallway to the shower. I quickly showered and got dressed in the bathroom, real classy over here. I pulled on my jean shorts and plain black t shirt. I see no point in making impressions, I'll literally be here a month and a half. I put on my socks and black vans, then walked out of the bathroom door.

 "You like nice Bailey

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"You like nice Bailey." Vanessa smiled as she made breakfast.
"Thanks." I smiled at sat on the bar stool, "I'm not sure what to do with my hair though, school is already so much work and I don't want it in my way." Vanessa laughed.
"Just do two braids or a messy bun. Whatever you want." She set a plate of eggs in front of me and I thanked her.
"Hello Mija." Lin walked up behind me and kissed my forehead, "You look great, I'm so excited for you." I rose my eyebrows and smiled so he knew I was listening. "Ok so Jazzy will pick you up, she said she wants to go to try some drink or something, then she can drop you of here or the theatre whatever you want."
"Ok." I replied, lazily messing with my hair. "Hey Charlie." I smiled as she bit at my ankles. She had loved hiding under the couch recently, so I'm assuming that's where she was.
"No picking up Charlie when you're eating." Lin reminded me, "Oh yeah! And tomorrow we have to leave like an hour earlier because you and I are going to see your grandparents! We'll eat breakfast there." In all my time here, I still hadn't met my grandparents. 
"Ok." Lin looked at the clock.
"7:00. Leaving in 15 minutes." I nodded and tried to mess with my hair.
I put my hair in a side braid, and tried to finish my food as Seb woke up.
"Hey Homeboy." Lin said, picking him up.
Sebastian mumbled a good morning and hid in Lin's shoulder.
"Hey bud." I tapped Sebs shoulder and he ignored me. "I'm gonna be gone for like a lot of hours, pay attention to me!" Lin laughed as Sebastian still ignored me. "Fine. I'm going to my room."
I walked into my room then brushed my teeth and threw my self on my bed. It's gonna be a long day.
"Hi, I'm Bailey Miranda, I'm n-new?" I stuttered as I approached the nicest-looking office person.
"Give me one second." She typed what I'm assuming was my name into a desk top. "I'm going to call someone from your home room to take you." She handed me a piece of paper and smiled, I quickly thanked her.
"Hi, I'm Daisey!" A girl walked up to me with a smile. Her hair was a pale pink, and she looked like she knew how to use makeup.
"Hi, I'm Bailey." I smiled.
"Ok so you have homeroom with me, in Mr. Leo's room." I nodded and followed her down the hallway. "You can carry your bookbag all day, they aren't to strict about that." I nodded as she knocked on a classroom door.
Someone opened the door for us and I closed it behind me.
"You must be Bailey, I'm Mr. Leo." The teacher replied and I smiled. "Class this is Bail-"
"We know! She's on Lin's Twitter a lot." Someone yelled from the back of the room and Everyone laughed, I bit my lip as Mr. Leo shushed everyone.
"Be respectful." He said and turned to me, "You can sit wherever Bailey." I thanked him and took a seat in the front row. Daisey was in the middle.
I have no idea what class this is even supposed to be. I looked at my schedule, Advanced English. Mr. Leo set a book on my desk, it was called Tuck Everlasting. This didn't seem very advanced, I'm pretty sure Ryan read this book In like 3rd grade.
I couldn't help but think about Ryan even though I was in school. I felt bad for not wearing the chains for a long time, I'll start wearing them again soon.
"We just started this book, were writing an essay on Chapters 1-5, about internal conflict between any character." I nodded and opened my book bag, hoping Lin had put in paper and a pencil. Or a pen. I actually prefer pen, I think. I pulled out he first binder I could find and sure enough paper was in the front, then in the pencil case was an unopened pack of pens and pencils. I opened the pen pack and pulled one out. Then I read the story, and wrote as much as I could in an hour. The way Lin hyped this school up I thought it would be way more fun.
The bell rang faster than I thought it would've. Daisey walked up to meet me as I slung my backpack over my shoulder.
"Hey, sorry about Riley, she doesn't know when to shut up."  Daisey apologized. I'm assuming Riley was the girl that yelled at me about Lin.
"It's okay." I shrugged and walked out of the class room. I need to be in A304, I'm in A310. I walked down the hallway, until I saw room A310, I went into the room and to the teachers desk. "Hi, I'm Bailey it's my first day, are you Ms. Simmons?" I asked and she looked up at me.
"Your shorts are too short." She said, ignoring my question and pulling out a piece of paper. 
"Excuse me?" I didn't say it rudely though, but I was really confused.
"Your shorts are too short, office." The teacher nodded her head at he door as I tried to argue.
"But, it's literally my first day, I've been in another class and I was in the office for like 20 minutes." I argued, but she didn't want to hear it. And I was sent out.
I walked down the empty hallway to the office, I opened the door and walked to the same person I had before.
"I was sent out for dress code?" I said, handing her the paper.
"You can either go home, or have someone bring you clothes." The last said. She's not even going to check? She was fine with it earlier and she's just gonna take what one person said.
"Can I call someone." I pulled my pine out from my back pocket and she nodded.
I quickly opened my phone and called Jasmine.
"Jazzy?" I asked when she answered.
"What's wrong, B, it's only 10, school isn't out until 2:30?" I heard Anthony mutter in the background something about putting it on speaker.
"I'm being sent home for dress code, and Lin said you were picking me up, can you come get me?" I asked, biting my lip.
"Of course, Angel, we can be there in 5 minutes." Anthony said and I thanked him.
"Ok, I have to call Lin, love you, Bye." They quickly replied saying pretty much the same thing. I pressed Lin's contact next.
"Mija? What are you doing?" Lin asked and I couldn't help but smile.
"Being sent home for dress code. Ant and Jazz are picking me up." I exclaimed and he groaned, "I know."
"But your shorts were fine! I wouldn't let you leave the house in anything that wasn't fine - except for gymnastics but you usually wear shorts over leotards." I repeated to him that I knew.
"I'll text you what we're doing, so entertain me until they get here." I saw the secretary glare at me.
"Ok, Tommy say hi!" Lin yelled and I heard the speaker button pressed.
"Hey Bails! Sorry you've had a bad first day." Tommy said and I shrugged.
"It's not your fault the dress code is dumb." I said, as if the people in this office didn't hate me enough. Lin laughed, telling me I was being loud.
"Alex! Baileys here." Tommy yelled and I heard running.
"Hey, Bail - wait." I rose my eyebrows as he paused. "Aren't you at school?"
"I'm going with Anthony and Jasmine." I looked up as the office door opened. "Ok they're here, I love you guys bye." I hung up the phone and walked to Ant and Jazz.
"Hey Bailey." Anthony hugged me. "You okay?"
"Besides wanting to cry of embarrassment?" I started, "Peachy." Anthony rolled his eyes and put an arm around my shoulder.
"No PDA on school property." One of the secretaries said and Anthony looked over.
"How is this PDA?" He asked, "This is basically my little sister. Jesus, what school did Lin pick." I had to bite back a laugh as Jasmine turned around and lightly hit him.
"So what are we doing Jazz?" I asked and she turned around.
"You can go now." The secretary said and I thanked her.
"We're getting that Unicorn thing from Starbucks." Anthony grabbed Jasmines hand as we walked out.
This is how I liked this. Anthony had his arm around me, and I was basically pressed to his side, then Ant and Jazz were holding hands.
"I'm going on Snapchat to complain to the people." I announced as we walked outside.
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and opened SnapChat.
"Hey you guys, so I had to leave school today, because my shorts were to short." The video cut off, so I posted it. "And it's like, it's my first day I literally asked if I was in the right classroom I didn't come here to be attacked." Anthony laughed at me as I posted it. "Anthony and Jasmine picked me up so we're going to Starbucks for Unicorn thing." I put the camera on them then posted it and put my phone away.
"There's literally a Starbucks on every corner it's great." Jasmine laughed as we walked in. Luckily there was no line, because most people had school or work. "Can we have three tall Unicorn Frappucinos?"
"Is that all?" The barista asked and Jazzy nodded, "$9.38 please."
Jasmine handed the twenty and got her change, then walked up to the end and waited for about 5 minutes, until all 3 of our drinks came out.
"Thank you." Anthony smiled and handed me and Jazzy our drinks, then picked up his own.
"Let's take a picture!" Jazzy pulled out her phone and Instructed us to hold up our drinks as she pressed the camera button.
I pulled out my own phone and opened SnapChat, posting a picture of my drink.
"Wow!" Anthony yelled as we walked out, "The blue is sour! I wasn't expecting that." I laughed at him and stirred the drink a little.
"Mine is fine." I shrugged after taking a small sip.
Maybe my "first day of school," turned out to be not that bad.
I'm sorry I haven't updated, and there might be slow updates coming up, because my niece is supposed to be born in the next week or so. After that I'll be at her house a lot helping with my other two nieces and nephew so my sister can take care of the new baby. I'll try my best though

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