Chapter 1: Awake

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I hear voices, male voices, and bunch of 'em.

Sounds like they're arguing, I can't make out their tone in their voice though...

Soon my body begins to tingle and come back to my senses. I slowly open my eyes to see 7 boys around my bed. They don't notice that I'm awake yet. Each one of them look scared and anxious, restless and with pale faces as if they were waiting for a long time for something.
Pain suddenly hit my head out of nowhere.

Shit, I didn't mean to yelp out loud.

Every head turned to me. All their faces changed from their current state to relief once they saw I was awake.

"Y/N!, are you alright?!"

One of they boys got up from his seat and came to me with a look of worry, again.

Oh wow, this guy looks great with pink hair. His hands look incredibly small too.... WAIT Y/N what are you thinking at this time when an incredibly cute guy is worried about you?

I shook my head and looked back at the boy.

"Yes, I'm okay. I just got massive headache that's all... "

He sighed in relief and smiled at me.

OH MY GOD HIS SMILE! He also has an eye smile too! What happened that I got to be near such a cute guy?!

His smile was so precious that I couldn't help but giggle at how cute he looked.
He raised an eyebrow at my weird reaction.

"what's so funny? Are you sure you're actually okay?"

" Of course I am, geez I'm not that shaken up! "

I glared at him as he laughed at me.

Aww, such a cutie.....

" At least we don't have Dami knowing that Y/N is in the hospital. She would have killed us if she found out. "

I turned to see a boy with purple hair smile at me.

He has dimples! Cuuuute- wait, Dami? Who's that?

I stared at him with a confused look on my face. Just as I was going to ask who Dami was, the door opened and a nurse walked in.

" Excuse me for interrupting but we're still waiting on a few results of tests that we took on Y/N, but it'll only be a little while before she can leave. "

We all nodded as the nurse headed out of the room. As the door clicked shut, I turned to the boy with the dimples.

" Um, why am I in the hospital to begin with? "

Everyone gave me a depressing look, like it was their fault that I'm here. A boy with black hair that sat in a chair in the corner of the room didn't even look at me. He looked like he was in some deep regret.

" You were in a big car accident.. "

Another boy who looked to be youngest out of all the others gave me a sad look.

" Were you guys the ones who helped me? "

I scanned each of their faces hoping to get more answers from them. They all turned to the blacked haired boy in the corner.

" Not really, you were with Yoongi when it happened. He was able to call an ambulance on time, or else you wouldn't be here talking to us. "

A boy who looked older than the others gave me a small smile.

So his name is Yoongi....

" Thank you so much for saving my life Yoongi. I owe you so much. "

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