ASDF movie 2

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Matthew: I baked you a pie!

Walter: Oh boy, what flavour?

Matthew: PIE FLAVOR!

Pie: *jumps out of the pie*


Mari: I like singing!

Duck: I like dancing!

Gil: I like trains *gets hit by a train*


Jesus: Hey, it says 'gullible' on the ceiling.

Tripp: *looks up at the ceiling*

Tripp: Huh, so it does— aw, you stole my lungs.


Nick: Die, potato!

Potato: *pulls out a gun* not today!

Nick: *backs away*


Troy: HAHA they said I could never get a llama to drive!

Llama: *llama screech*

Troy: No, llama, NO!

Llama: *drives off a cliff*


Clementine: Doctor, I think I might be a homosexual!

Eleanor: How can you tell?

Clementine: RAINBOWS *throws up rainbows on Eleanor*


Tripp: What are you, a man, or a woman?

Clementine: *blinks*


Kate: hey, kids I brought you some cookies.

All the children: yay! Cookies, I like cookies!

Gil: I like trains...

Kate: ...

Children: ...

Gil: ...

Gil: *gets crashed by a train*


Kenny the Moon Bear

Kenny: how did I get here?

The end.


Clem: *reading a book*

Clem: hahaha

Clem: I can't read



Gabe: NO! I'm allergic to adorableness!

Mari: *throws a kitten in Gabe's face*

Gabe: *stares at kitten* aww...

Gabe: *dies*


Randy: what are you up to, son?

Gil: I like trains

Randy: *looks at the reader*

Randy: Ha ha ha, yes you do.


Luke to Nick: Hey, you know who's gay, y- *gets hit by a train*


Gabe: I can't wait to eat this pudding!

Clem: yes you can.

Gabe: Yeah, I guess you're right...


Still not sorry for this.

Credit goes to Tom Ska and ttg

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