"No, Itachi will do it." Sasuke stated.

"Great then. Itachi, your mission is to help Sakura whenever she needs it."


"You're talking as if I'm not here." Sakura pouted at everyone.

"Aw, she's pouting us to death." Gemna teased, chuckling when Sakura stuck her tongue at him.

"Anyways, what happened when I was asleep?"

"Let's see, Shisui got hit by an old lady who thought he was stalking her." Naruto began. Sakura cackled at the thought of that happening.

"I was trying to help her with her groceries. Last time I'll help an old person." Shisui muttered.

"Gemna and Shizune are going out."

"Oh! So you're her mysterious guy she talks about all the time. Congrats!" Gemna coughed his embarassement away.

"Sasuke finally mastered the chidori." Sakura clapped enthusiastically.

"Congratulations! I knew you could do it."

"Oh, hehe," Naruto began, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly as he chuckled nervously. Sakura glared at him, knowing he did something stupid.

"Spit it out already!" Sasuke impatiently said.

"I may or may not have accidently blew up your room. Accidently." Silence followed his confession, and Naruto knew this was not good.

"3, 2, 1, and-" Sasuke counted down.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?! NARUTO, YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" Sakura began to scream, cuss, and scold at him. "WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE, YOU'LL BE SIXTY FEET DEEP IN THE GROUND!!!" Naruto feared for his life, which is why he ran out the door. Sakura sighed in frustration. "Itachi, come here." Itachi stood next to her, wincing in pain when she placed her hand on his wound. An explosion of sweetness filled Itachi. It was like drinking hot cocoa during the winter. It was like eating ice cream on a sunny day. For Itachi, it was warmth and love. He let a content sigh out and Sakura removed her hand.

"Thank you Sakura." He smiled. Not a smirk, actually smiled at her. Fugaku watched his son from afar. He'd never seen his son with any other expression except his usual stoic one.

"Since Naruto blew your room up, you will share with Itachi." Fugaku stated, expecting some kind of shock out of the two.

"Ok." They both said. Fugaku squinted his eyes.

"You've been sleeping together?"


"We haven't done that stuff, if that's what you're implying. We've simply been on missions that require us to sleep next to each other."

"Aah." Fugaku was thankful. At least they were comfortable around each other.

"Fugaku, dear, we should head home." He nodded and the two left.



"Why didn't you let other people heal you?"


"'tachi," Sakura whined at him.

"You could have died."

"I would have been happy as long as you were ok." Itachi pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing.

"I wouldn't be ok if you died." Sakura blushed and looked away, not knowing what to say. Thankfully, Tsunade had entered the room.

"Itachi. So, seems like we're out of crutches and wheelchairs, so you will have to carry her around." Tsunade knew that was not the case. They had plenty of those supplies, however, Fugaku had made a bet with her. If she could get Itachi and Sakura together by the time Sakura begins to walk, he would give her a crateful of sake. She didn't bother letting him finish before finalizing the deal.


"Damn Uchihas and their monosyllables." Tsunade cursed under her breath before smiling.

"Shishou, is it required that I stay in this bed? I really prefer to be home." Tsunade thought about it for a moment, scratching her head before sighing again.

"I guess we could discharge you tonight." Sakura cheered happily before throwing the covers off.

"Let's go Itachi!" She exclaimed in excitement. He nodded before picking her up.

"Take good care of her, Uchiha. Or you'll hear it from me." Tsunade threatened the ice cube who carried the content Sakura.

"'tachi, let's go eat, I'm starving."

"Aah." Itachi teleported them into the kitchen of the Uchiha complex. Naruto screamed when the two figures appeared. "Tadaima." Itachi carefully placed Sakura next to him. She leaned on him for support, at least that's what she told herself. Mikoto hugged Sakura.

"Oh dear, let me prepare some dinner for you two." She said as she quickly hurried into the kitchen.

"Welcome home, Sakura. I thought you would be in the hospital till tomorrow." Sasuke hugged Sakura.

"Yeah, Tsunade made an exception." Mikoto brought out multiple dishes and placed them infront of Itachi and Sakura. They dug in hungrily. Itachi hadn't eaten much since the mission. The hospital food tasted horrible and he was too busy waiting for Sakura to wake up.

"Arigatōgozaimashita, Mikoto-chan." Sakura thanked her for the wonderful meal. "'tachi-san, I need to take a bath." Itachi nodded before lifting Sakura up.

"Sakura, do you need help?" Sasuke asked her.

"Why would I?"

"Well, getting in and out of the bath." Sakura blushed at that. Someone would have to help her get in and out of the bath.

"I'll do it." Itachi stated as he continued up the stairs to his bathroom. "Would you like me to close my eyes?" Sakura blushed at him and sighed.

"It's alright, I think you've seen me, uh, indecent before." She thought back to the seduction mission. Slowly pulling her clothes off, Sakura could hear her heart beating loudly. Itachi prepared the bath as she stripped herself. "I'm done." Itachi carried her to the bath, his eyes pointed away from the naked girl.

"Would you like me to leave?" Sakura bit her lip and thought about it. Itachi mentally groaned in frustration, as her biting her lips was not helping his case.

"Eh, if you don't mind, I really don't want to be alone. Gomen-nasai." SHe muttered, blushing deeply. Itachi grabbed the shampoo and began to scrub her hair. She relaxed under his touches, on her head of course. "Neh, 'tachi, you're pretty gentle." She commented.

"Hn." Sakura poured some body wash on her hands and began to rub it on her skin. She struggled to clean her back and sighed. A squeak came out of her when she felt arms massaging her, rubbing the body wash onto her back.

"Ah, you really are smooth." Itachi ignored her comment and continued to scrub her back. He rinsed her hair and body off before grabbing a towel. Sakura held onto Itachi's neck as he lifted her from the bath tub and onto the towel lying on the floor. She dried her body off quickly then wrapped it around her. Itachi carried her to his bedroom, placing her ontop of his bed. He handed her a shirt that was long enough to cover her to her mid-thighs.

"Do you have your undergarments?"

"Eh, well. They're in my room." Silence fell between them. "I really am going to kill Naruto and make him pay for my stuff." Itachi chuckled in amusement as he handed her some briefs. She slipped into both of the clothes and crawled under his covers.

"Do you wish for sweats aswell?"

"Nah." Sakura yawned and curled into a ball. She felt the bed slope down when Itachi sat on the bed. "G'night." She was out before he could respond.

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