I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my cell. Searching through the contacts, there was a knock on my door before it slowly opened. I gazed up from my phone to see my mother peeking in. "I'm getting ready to head out baby, I love you.", she said to me.

"I love you too mama, be careful out there", I said in response.

A soft smile crept upon her face. "I will and remember what I said earlier. Let go and put it in God's hands.", she said.

I nodded. "I will", I said in response and with that she gave me one last soft smile before shutting my bedroom door.

I gazed down at my phone and continued searching through my contacts. Once I found the contact I was searching for, I pressed call and with that the front door opened and closed, indicating that my mother left our home. I slid the phone to my ear and awaited for an answer. "Hello", he spoke in a sleep written tone as the sound of shuffling sounded through the speaker.

"Hey Devin, were you on your way to sleep?", I queried.

"I was but shit, what's up?"...

"I wanted to see if you wanted to come over. I have the house to myself again and I really don't want to be alone. Especially while it's storming like crazy outside but if you're headed to sleep, you don't have to worry about it.", I continued.

He sighed before speaking. "I'll be over there in 20 minutes."...

Smiling to myself, I spoke. "Okay, I'll see you when you get here", I said.


I ended the call and placed my phone back on the nightstand. As time went by, I found myself lying across my bed watching Menace II Society. Falling deep into the movie, my cellphone vibrated against my nightstand. Slightly rolling over, I reached for my phone and opened my text message. Devin was outside.

Placing my phone back where it was, I sat up straight and swung my legs out of the bed. Letting my bare feet meet the plush carpet, I stood up and left my bedroom. I jogged down the stairs and made it to the front door. I opened it to see a handsome Devin. Taking a quick glance at the scenery behind him, it was definitely raining cats and dogs. Walking inside, he closed the door behind him and took the hood from his hoodie off of his head. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands wrapped around my waist. Not caring about his slightly wet clothing, I spoke. "I've missed you", I said softly and with that his hands slid down to my bottom, cupping my cheeks.

"I missed you too", he said which made me feel like one of the luckiest women in the Nola.

Pulling away from the hug, he gazed at me closely. "So what's up, where ya clothes at?", he queried with a smirk upon his face.

I smiled. "I'm sleepin in this", I said softly.

"Aight, let me find out you wore that for a nigga", he said and with that, I grabbed his hand.

"Come on", I said as I led him up to my bedroom.

I laid across my bed as he took his hoodie from over his head and placed it on the chair in the corner. Coming out of his tennis shoes, he took a seat on the end of my bed and gazed at the television. "This my shit", he stated referring to the movie. "Haven't seen this in a minute.", he continued before slightly turning to gaze my way. "So what you tryin to get into?", he queried, putting his attention back on the television.

I chuckled softly. "I was hoping that you could get inside me. It's been awhile", I said softly.

Letting off a sly chuckle, he kept his​ attention where it was. Never bothering to turn around...

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