Kamaria swore as she saw the nobles gulp the steaming liquid fervently.

They are poisoning their souls.


Xanor stared at the mug in his hand, baffled. His favourite drink now felt alien in his hands.

Why am I not able to bring myself to drink it?

He raised the mug to his lips. The beast flinched and growled.

It harms my wolf!

Stunned, he looked around the hall. He could see Charlotte gulping hers down while her other hand reached for Sebastian's mug which was lying unattended. His gaze fell on Ximi and he saw her shake her head as she handed her mug to a serving girl.

She knows.

Xanor couldn't understand how Ximi's aversion to cocoa had gone unnoticed by him. Sipping his wine, he closed his eyes, recalling all the times she had refused cocoa, even though their parents had tried to coax her into trying it. Everyone had wanted her to try it.

Everyone except Gamma Karys.

He sat up, astounded. As far as he could remember, Gamma Karys had always refused cocoa.

"Xanor? You look a bit strange."

He shook off his thoughts and turned to Ximi, who was standing in front of him with Kamaria. His eyes trailed over Kamaria's body which was encased in a flowing gown, hiding her curves. He clenched his fists when his fickle mind recalled her lustful gaze from the afternoon; she hadn't glanced his way since then and he was annoyed.

"I am alright. What happened?"

"I am having a session this full moon. I want my solar to be equipped with the materials by tomorrow."

"When is the full moon?"

"The day after tomorrow. Pass on any requests you have."

She slapped her forehead.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Inform the master that Kamaria wouldn't be able to attend her lessons for the next three days as she is indisposed."

"Why?" He turned to Kamaria, who refused to meet his questioning gaze. "Is it plaguing you still?"

Ximi spoke.

"She wants to see me Swaying. Let her off this time, will you?"

He nodded.

Can we talk after dinner?

She met his gaze.

Sure. Meet me in my room.


The man handed his companion a steaming goblet.


The other man sipped it.

"This is delicious. How come have I never tried this before?"

"It is available only in the Citadel."

The flickering flame of the candle cast the master's face into light.

"Won't your absence at supper be noted?"

The older man smirked.

"I prefer to sup in my quarters."

The master sighed.

"Why have you brought me here?"

"How is the girl?"

The master hid his lascivious grin.

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