Part One: Maximum Ride

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Closing their eyes, the twins expected a sudden jarring impact when they fell. However, feeling none, they slowly opened their eyes.

All they could see was darkness. They were still suspended in the air, as they could feel nothing below their feet. Looking up, Matthew could see the portal they had fallen through. However, as soon as he spotted it, a good twelve meters above them, it closed and they were plunged into total darkness.

Matthew jumped slightly when he felt something squeeze his hand, but calmed down remembering he still had America's hand in his. He smiled knowing there was at least someone else there and he wasn't completely alone.

They didn't say anything. There was no noise in their new environment. None of the normal background noise of traffic or the hum of electronics. No breeze or birds. Complete silence.

And it was deafening.

Why didn't they speak? Both felt that if they breathed a sound, it would shatter everything completely. Like how in a silent classroom no one wants to be the first to say something.

Suddenly, out of the never ending darkness, came a light. A soft glowing orb came closer to the twins. Even though it did not appear to be hostile, they tensed up. Alfred and Matthew tried to move into a defensive position, but discovered, yet again, they were not allowed to move. They did notice that they were able to move a tiny bit. Enough to know that they were both shaking slightly.

The orb came up to them and circled around a few times. If it had a face, it would have been laughing at them as they struggled to move.

"I already told you, there is no need to be that scared." The twins stopped when they heard The Omni's voice. Twirling around a few more times, the glowing orb came to a stop in front of the boys.

"Why should we not be scared?" Alfred asked, internally cursing himself for sounding helpless. "You kidnapped us and sent us to the middle of nowhere."

The Omni chuckled. "That is a very accurate description of where you are." Matthew deducted that the Omni's voice was coming from the orb in front of them.

"So where is here?" Matthew asked.

"The middle of nowhere, according to your little brother." Alfred bristled at that remark. "You are in what an old friend of mine calls 'The Void'. The space in between the different parallel Universes. From here, you can access any of the infinite Universes, but only if you know how. Luckily for you, I do know," The Omni chuckled, as if it was a wonderful stroke of luck. As if it had not kidnapped them and forced them there.

"You said you were going to send us somewhere," America said, cautiously. "Is that somewhere, by any chance, home?"

"Now why would I do that?" The Omni asked teasingly, the orb circling around his head. He tried to follow it with his eyes to the best of ability. "There are so many more interesting places to go, people to meet, and things to see."

The orb stopped again in front of them. "No," The Omni sighed. "I'm afraid you are not going home for a long while." It laughed at the boys' expressions, shock and fear evident on their faces.

Matthew was mad. They had finally gotten everyone on good terms with one another, he was finally noticed and remembered by everyone, and they were getting along as a family. But now, this stupid thing had to come along and kidnap his brother and him. And now they weren't even going to go home until maple knows how long.

Trying, and failing, to lunge at the orb, Canada started yelling. "Why!?" he screamed. "Why did you kidnap us!? What did we do to deserve this!? Where are you sending us!?" Even though he couldn't reach the orb, Alfred could tell that Matthew had scared the orb with his sudden out burst.

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