Chapter 1: The Interruption

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"Al! Watch where you're driving! You almost hit that guy!" Matthew yelled to his brother. Why he let Alfred drive was a mystery to him, seeing as they almost hit three cars in the last minute-and-a-half.

"Chill, Canabro. I got this!" the excited American said from the driver's seat. He didn't look the slightest bit fazed when the car turned a particularly sharp turn on two wheels. His counterpart, however, appeared to be praying to the holy maple that he would get out of the car unscathed.

"Famous last words," Matthew murmured as Alfred slammed the brakes a little too hard.

"What was that, bro?"

"I said don't kill us!" Canada whisper-yelled. "Unlike you, I have some nice maple syrup and pancakes to get back to after the meeting!"

"Dude," Alfred laughed. "What's with you and the pancakes?"

"What's with you and the burgers?" Matthew shot back.

"Touché," America said, taking another unnecessarily sharp turn.

Canada sighed, exasperated with his twin. He looked out the window, hoping he wouldn't get a closer view of the pavement.

When they pulled up to the building (located in a classified part of Western Canada), Matthew practically leaped out of the car. Smiling, Alfred twirled the keys on his finger before throwing them to his brother. Thankful he would be driving on the way back, Canada took a deep breath and headed toward the building.


The twins entered the meeting room, which was more of a socialization room to the nations. You see, the personifications of the nations of the world saw each other more as family than annoying coworkers. So the chaos of the World Meetings can only be described as a good old family reunion.

"There you boys are!" England said, walking over to them. He had a certain French Frog following him that he was none too happy about.

"Hi," they said at the same time. How the boys managed to do that amazed their two father figures.

After hugs and catching up, Germany finally called the meeting to order. They all knew it wouldn't stay that way for long, but at least he still tried. "Okay. Today, we are here because our bosses needed us to check up on the military and politics of each country." It was obvious that none of them were happy about that, not even Ludwig.

"Why do they want to know that?" America asked.

"Apparently they want to know about supposed 'threats' to their security," Russia said, practically spitting the word.

"But, why would they be worried about something as silly as that?" China asked, obviously just as confused as Alfred (A/N: Accidentally types AlFreedomJones).

"Yeah," Italy added. "Don't they know that we don't want to hurt each other?"

"Evidently not," Prussia muttered.

A little known fact was that the nations were all actually very close, even during wars. The personifications always did everything in their power to prevent wars. They simply didn't want to hurt their friends/family. They get hurt enough by internal problems. No need to introduce more pain. But sometimes they have relentless and ruthless leaders. Ones that trusted none of the nations, nor their leaders.

In a way, the nations' relations with each other make sense. If you were semi-immortal with only a handful of people who were like you, it would make sense wanting to be on good terms with them. Someone who knows the pain of losing someone who just will never live as long as you, someone who knows the terrible things you have seen in your long life, someone who simply understands. That's what everyone in the room had in common. The pain of a long life.

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