"The people who are targetting her are ex-ANBUS. So, you will wear normal clothes. You leave in an hour."

"Hai!" The trio disappeared to the Uchiha complex. Itachi and Sakura were the first to appear at the gate.

"Taichou!" A male voice called out playfully. Itachi nodded at the older male.

"Gemna." Gemna stopped infront of Sakura, evaluating her before embracing her.

"Etto." Sakura started awkwardly.

"My name is Gemna."

"Oy, you're going to suffocate the girl." Shisui called out in annoyance. Gemna hastily let the girl fall.

"Sorry, I haven't met her yet."

"Let's go." Itachi ordered. The trip to the daimyo's was fairly easy, save for the constant bickering between Gemna and Shisui. The daimyo's daughter greeted the four people who were to accompany her to the Sand Village.

"Hello." A man greeted Sakura.


"What's your name?"


"Sakura, eh? Such a beautiful name for an attractive woman." He flirted as he kissed the back of her hand.

"What's your name?"



"Yes. Tell me, are you dating one of those men?" Sakura's cheeks reddened and she shook her head furiously.


"That's a relief. I was hoping we could hang out together after the mission." Sakura didn't notice, but Itachi was staring a hole through Aidou's head.

"Taichou, if you're jealous, then do something." Shisui called out. They were almost to the Sand Village when a group of men surrounded them.

"Hand over the pretty girl."

"Gee which one?" Sakura mocked at him.

"I suppose we could take Pinky with too." Sakura flashed at the male who had called her Pinky and slammed him into the tree, killing him instantly. The other male yelled at the others to atrack. Under twenty minutes, the rogues were taken out. As they headed home, Shisui and Gemna seperated from Itachi and Sakura. Itachi stopped suddenly and dodged the oncoming shurikens. Sakura busied herself with another male. Killing him instantly, Sakura turned her head towards the voice that spoke fast.

"Steel Release: Kunai Barrage!" He aimed at Itachi, who was busy fighting the man infront of him. Itachi cursed loudly as his attention was driven away. A sword stabbed his left side and he turned back to the man. Sakura knocked Itachi down, shielding him from the barrage of kunais.

"Sakura?!" She smiled at him weakly, blood dripping from her mouth. Kunais stuck from her back at an odd angle. Gemna had arrived to kill the man who released that jutsu, Shisui stabbed the man Itachi had previously been battling. Itachi tentatively picked up Sakura who fell limp.

"FUCK!" Shisui screamed at the bloody injured pinkette. They stared at the protruding kunais from her back. Without saying a word, Itachi sprinted with Sakura in his arms. He teleported to the Godaime's office when he reached the gates.

"TSUNADE-SAMA!!!" Itachi yelled, waking up the passed out Hokage.

"What-" She screamed at the horrible sight, her apprentice had been injured gravely. "BRING HER HOSPITAL!! SHIZUNE!!!" Itachi was dangerously low on chakra and his eyes were killing him, but that didn't stop him from using the last bit of chakra he had to teleport them to the hospital. Shizune and Tsunade bolted into the hospital, finding that Itachi and Sakura laid on the ground, unconscious and bleeding. Shisui and Gemna made it into the hospital just in time to see Itachi and Sakura being rolled into the surgery room. They both tried to follow the unconscious pair but were stopped by medics.

"You can't go in!"

"What happened?!" Shisui barked at them. His sharingan spun rapidly causing them to shrink from the angry Uchiha.

"Sakura is in critical condition. Uchiha-san has been stabbed through his left side." One of them explained.

"We're losing her!!" A nurse yelled from the operating room. Shisui, again, tried to run in, but was stopped by Gemna this time.

"Let me go!" Shisui yelled angrily at his teammate. Gemna showed no emotion, but deep inside, he was panicking, screaming and crying.

"They could die if we do something stupid. We need to get their family." Shisui pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling heavily before nodding. He ran into the complex screaming.

"SAKURA AND ITACHI HAVE BEEN INJURED!!!" He screamed loudly, waking up the sleeping members in the household. Naruto and Sasuke came from one room, Mikoto and Fugaku came from another room.

"What's going on?" Naruto asked, irrated that he had been woken up.

"It's bad! Really bad! Sakura, Itachi, they're in the hospital!" Shisui cried out, pointing to the hospital. Everyone ran from the house to the hospital.

"SHIZUNE!! SHE'S NOT BREATHING!!" A young woman cried out.

"DAMN IT!! FIX IT!!" Shizune yelled back at her.


"MOVE IT!!" Tsunade screamed. A long silence followed and crying could be heard. A series of rapid beeping could be heard. Then, it was silent.

"Tsunade, she's dead." Shizune whimpered out.

"NO! GIVE ME MORE TIME!!" Another long pause, a beeping came on. The sound of feet could be heard and the beeping soon regulated. A nurse came out to the people who were waiting.

"Sakura Haruno's family?"

"Yes." Mikoto answered quickly.

"She has suffered many wounds, luckily, none of the weapons hit anything vital. She is in critical condition."

"Itachi, what about him?"

"He has suffered from a stab wound on the left side. He is suffering from complete exhaustion and his chakra is dangerously low. Strange as it may, before he passed out, he refused to be healed." Shisui understood what his little cousin was doing.  Itachi was punishing himself for letting Sakura get hurt. "Besides that, his body refuses to allow us to heal him."

"Poor Itachi and Sakura." Mikoto cried in her husband's arms.

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