You see them again (They hurt you #3)

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"Y/N?" You hear a voice getting louder as he walks up to you.

You spin round to face Roman, who is looking as handsome as ever, but you snap that thought out of your head.

"Roman. What a coincidence." You say shakily.

"Um, yeah it was. What are you doing out here on your own?" Roman asks.

"Just getting wine...for myself." You say awkwardly.

You both stand in silence for a minute before Roman opens his mouth (again), "Hey look, I am so-"

You cut him off, "I need to get back home. I think that I accidentally left the cooker on." you quickly run out of the store, away from the man who hurt you.

"Shit." you say angrily as you inspect your bashed up side of your car. It got repaired not long ago and now it is ruined....again.

You lost a race and you came to the finish line with a bashed up car. Drifting can be hard.

You want to take your car to a garage but you don't know which. To be honest, Han's garage is the best one but you don't want to see his face. But then you realise that you overheard a small conversation earlier saying that Han is going to be at the club tonight.

You decide to take the car to his garage, hoping he won't be there. You drive in to not see him, which is a relief. A man comes up to your car, "Hey, what do you need?"

You poke your head through the car window, "I need my side fixed."

The man smiles, "Cool, get outta the car and we'll fix it up." You smile back as you get out of the car.

The man spins round behind, "Yo, Han. We got a pretty lady down here who needs her car fixed. It has taken a nasty bump to the side."

You sigh in anger in your head. You don't want to see Han at all. Han comes out in sight and walks down the steps. He is taken aback in sight of you and gazes at you. He snaps out of it though in guilt and observes your car.

"Um, leave the car here and come back tomorrow morning, I'll work on it overnight."

You scratch the back of your neck awkwardly, "OK. I'll go and get a taxi."

"I'll pay." Han offers.

But, you shake your head, "No, I'll pay myself. I have money." Then you quickly leave, but in guilt.

You are at the bank, waiting for your withdrawal of $150 that you saved up. After you ask for the withdrawal, the banker nods and goes to the back to get your money. Suddenly, you hear a gunshot from behind. Masked men run into the bank, guns raised in the air. You quickly dive behind a desk, out of their sight. One of the men breaks into the back and heads to the vault whilst the rest stay at the entrance. You then see a silent alarm under the desk that you hiding behind; you press it. But one of the robbers sees you so he grabs you, pulling you up to your feet.

"Come with me, naughty one." He stabs the gun into your back, making you walk to the corner of the room. He pushes you to the ground and turns his back to you. The man who went to the vault comes back out with bags of money. The robbers start to leave quickly but the one who caught you grabs you by the arm and drags you with him. "You are going to pay..." he snarls.

You try to break free and you successfully do, making a run for it. The man follows you but he loses sight of you as you escape. You walk down an alleyway, thinking that it is all over....but it isn't. As you come out of the alleyway and cross a road, you don't realise the car about to ram into you. You freeze at the sound of a horn and turn to see a speeding car driving towards you, making you gasp in shock. As it is about to ram into you though, you get pushed out of the way, sending you crashing to the floor instead. Looking up, you see Deckard close to you. He saved you. His face is full of concern.

"Deckard?" you whisper.

"Are you okay?" he asks you but then you remember what happened two weeks ago. He hurt you...

You get up quickly. You want to be nowhere near him after what he did. "I'm okay, just stay away from me." Then you run away.

You are at a party, celebrating a street race event. The party is held at a massive house and you are with some friends near the pool. You banter until you feel a sudden thirst in your throat. "I just need to get a drink." You say to your friends then walk over to the kitchen. When you get to the doorway of the kitchen, you freeze to see Letty near the counter, drinking a Corona. She spots your gaze and then sets her Corona down, gazing at you. You snap out of your gaze and you walk straight to the fridge, grabbing a Corona yourself.

"Never could resist a Corona, could you? No matter how drunk or sober you are." Letty says from behind you as you close the fridge door. You spin round to meet Letty's eyes.

"What do you want?" you ask.

Letty holds out a bottle opener, "I am giving you this." You hold out your hand for her to put the bottle opener in. She does so, her fingers lightly brushing your hand, which awakens the butterflies in your stomach.

"Um, thanks." you say awkwardly as you quickly open the bottle then hand her the bottle opener back, "I have to go."

Before Letty can respond, you walk away back to your friends.

You don't hear the words of "I still love you..." that comes out of Letty's mouth quietly. 

You are speeding in your car again but you don't care. You drift round a corner perfectly before you increase your speed, until you hear the sound of sirens behind you. You groan but don't pull up your car; you keep on driving instead.

The cops are on your tail as you race down the roads. You turn another corner...then nearly crash into an incoming truck. This causes you to sharply swerve out of the way, sending you into a spin. The car flips over as you come to a stop.

A couple of minutes later, you faintly hear noises of car parts being moved. You are not entirely unconscious but one of your arms and your legs are in utter pain as well as your ribs. You close your eyes as a shadowy figure picks you up and moves you out of the car. Opening your eyes, you are taken aback to see Hobbs carrying you.

"Luke....." you cry out in pain.

Hobbs looks down at you, "Hey...I'm getting you to a hospital. Don't worry."

But before you can respond, you fall unconscious.

You are ready to race in a street race against a gobby little woman. You are determined to win. As you double check your NOS, a man comes to the middle of the road in front of the cars but you don't pay attention to him.

"Alright ladies, no cheating at ALl. It is a drag race so first to cross the line wins. Don't crash into one another and last of all, drive fast like you have never done before."

You recognise that voice from anywhere. You look up to see Tej directly looking at you. He quickly looks away in embarrassment and look at your opponent, Gobby.

"Ready?" He asks her.

Gobby revs her engine.

Tej then looks at you, "Ready?" and you rev in response.


You and Gobby speed off. You end up winning the race and you go to collect your money friom Tej. You are finding this awkward as you park up your car and start walking to Tej, who is with some skinny girls. He pushes them away hen he sees you. He pulls out a wad of money from his pocket. "There you go." he slaps the money into your hand.

"Thanks." you quickly say as you turn to walk away.

"Hey, Y/N!" you hear Tej and you can't resist turning back to face him.

"Can we talk for a minute? I have been meaning to say something to you." He asks but you shake your head.

"Sorry but I have a schedule. And just like you, I need to stick to it. Goodbye." and you turn your heels and walk away.

What goes around comes around.

Fast and Furious preferences and imaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt