Chapter 6

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Clay's P.O.V

Hannah and I walked into town from my house, hand in hand discussing everything and anything. I liked making her laugh. The sound made me warm and the beauty that radiated from her when she smiled was indescribable. "I just don't get their deal." I said as we conversed over the pointlessness of Zombies. She giggled squeezing my hand. "Well thank you Clay for ruining any future Zombie media i come across." She said rolling her eyes at me. We got to the ice cream truck and i paid for Hannah to get a plain vanilla and i got a huge feast. "Clay what is it with you and getting all the food that is going to kill you." she said staring at my chocolatey mess. "Tootsie rolls, chocolate ice cream... What DO you like Hannah" I said biting into the chocolate teasingly. We walked for a while, through town, passed her parents shop and various people sweating under the suns immense heat today. We walked to the crestmont and sat together on the two old seats round the back. They were shaded from the sun and it was much cooler there. "Im going to ask for my job back here." Hannah said playing with her tub of ice cream with the plastic scoop. "Really?" I asked excited by the thought of working with her again. Just anther excuse to see her all the time. "Yeh. School's starting soon and I'm going to need something to take my mind off of drama...and someone" She said smirking and staring at me from the corner of her eyes. 

Hannah's P.O.V 

Clay took out his phone and put his music on shuffle. He had weird taste in music and i couldn't help but laugh as he belted out the dumbest lyrics. "What?" He said smiling at me. "Your just so weird." I giggled, scooping more ice cream into my mouth. "Shut up Baker this music is awesome" He continued to play the air drums and the air guitar in our little spot behind the Crestmont for about 5 awful songs. He always new how to make me laugh and forget all the shitty things going on. He was my favourite distraction. He turned the music down a little and threw the stick from his ice cream away. "So school is in like a week Han." He said putting his hand on my leg and then moving it away quickly and apologising "Oh sorry, i didnt mean to um" I laughed at his awkwardness and held his hand in mine "Stop laughing at me" He said laughing too. "Your adorable." i said looking into his chocolate eyes. It made sense that his eyes would be this colour considering all the junk he ate but they were deep and pure. "Are you nervous to go back?" He asked me, tightening his grip on my hand. I looked away, playing with he remainders of my ice cream. I was nervous. I didnt know how i would react to seeing them all again. None of them knowing what they put me threw. None of them knowing what i had tried to do. I was scared they would carry it on. "I guess" I said nonchalantly, watching Clay bite his lip anxiously. 

Clay's P.O.V

I was nervous for Hannah to go back to school. I was nervous that everyone would still do stuff to her, like grab her ass or shout mean stuff in the hall or whisper old and new rumours. I was scared that she might hurt herself again if it continued. I could tell she was scared too. I saw her try to brush my question off cooly, but her eyes said something else. A song came on from my playlist that we both recognised and we both looked up at my phone. I stood up and held my hand out to her. "My lady?" I said as the song we danced to at the winter formal played around us. "You are so cringey helmet" she said grabbing my hand and standing with me. I swung her round me making her giggle like a little girl and i pulled her into me as we danced giddily. She put her arms round my neck and i held her waist, just as we had done on that night. She made me so happy and i could be a different person around her. A less nervous person and a more spontaneous person. I knew that I loved her and i knew that i would do anything to protect her. At school i was going to need to be with her all the time, holding her and steadying her when she needed it. We swayed to the music, two idiots at the back of a movie theatre. She pressed her forehead against mine, our lips so close and my heart almost tearing through my chest. She was breathing heavier and so was i, the music almost silenced by the sound of my brain telling me a million different things to say, each one conflicting the other. I moved her hair out of her face behind her ear, grazing her cheek with my hand. I wanted to kiss her and our lips were almost touching, our faces merely centimetres apart. "Hannah." I managed to shakily whisper. "Yes?" she replied moving even closer to me. I swallowed uneasily and i could see the anticipation in her waiting eyes. "Hannah will you be my girlfriend?" There was a pause. "I thought you'd never ask" She said falling into me, our lips colliding softly at first as we stumbled backwards into the back wall of the Crestmont. Her back was pressed against the concrete as our kiss intensified. She clung to the sleeves of my shirt as the tremours in both of our shaking lips sent my nerves wild. I ran my fingers through her hair as she moved her hands up to the back of my neck pulling me closer. It was like all of the times we had almost kissed but didnt, were being made up for in this one moment of passion. Like we had both been bottling it up for so long that when it came out it was like the bottle had exploded. My pulse was like a drum and all the sounds in the world had been silenced. It was like me and Hannah were in our own world and all that could be heard was our laboured breathing and my screaming heart.

Hannah's P.O.V 

He was so gentle at first. It was like he was waiting for me to strengthen the kiss so he knew it was okay. His hands passed my neck, making me shiver and pull him closer. The slightly dodgy alley way behind the Crestmont where we stood had been changed into nothing but a bright light shining around me. I felt as though we had been lifted from the ground and were floating among the clouds, his touch, so long awaited, pushing away any thoughts of Bryce or Marcus or anyone who had hurt me. No one had touched me like this before, so gently yet passionately. It was like he thought he would tear my skin or bruise it if he held me any tighter. It made me feel so special but eventually we both had to come up for air. He looked into my eyes deeper than ever. "Are, are you okay?" he said breathlessly. I smiled "You are adorable." "There's that word again." 

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