Chapter 5

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Clay's P.O.V

"Bryce raped me Clay" The words were ringing in my ears like 100 sirens at once. Hannah's body was pressed against me, trembling, sobbing. Anger is not a word i can use to describe what  i was feeling. I wasn't angry. I was furious. I was fist clenching, blood boiling, screaming mad. I could feel the fury growing inside me like a tidal wave, my nails digging into the palms of my hands causing them to bleed. Suddenly, the wave shrunk a little bit. Hannah had her hand on top of mine. She was squeezing it and looking at me worriedly. 'Bryce did what Hannah?" I said trying not to shout at the only victim in all of this. "Don't make me say it again Clay" she said looking at the floor, crying again. I held her chin and guided her head up to see her face. "Hannah we have to do something." I said, clenching my jaw tightly so i didn't sob out loud. 

Hannah's P.O.V

I could see the rage bubbling inside of Clay. I had never seen him like this before. I had never seen him even remotely irritated by something before. It was worrying. I reached out my hand and put it over the fist he had balled up and he loosened his tense grip. He was asking me again and i could see tears forming in his eyes and i had to look away because i couldn't see him looking at me like this. "We have to do something" he said Turning me round square on to him. I was painfully nervous now. What could we do? I had no evidence of the attack, it would be my word against his and as soon as it got out it would just look like me and Bryce had sex and i regretted it so i made up some story to make me look like less of a slut. At least I'm sure that is the web of lies that Bryce would spin. "Like what Clay?" I said my voice breaking and my hands shaking like the branches of a withering tree in a hurricane. Clay shook his head and shut his eyes tightly before answering me again "I don't know Hannah something! Go to the police or the school or his parents! Anything!" He was crying now too "Clay, don't you think i have thought about that? There isn't any proof! And when-" I stopped to wipe the burning tears off of my cheeks "when it gets around school, it will just add another notch to the belt of my slutty reputation. Everyone thinks I'm a slut Clay. Everyone. No one would ever believe me."  Clay grabbed my quivering hands and looked me in the eyes. He looked so far it was like he was looking into a tunnel. He was looking much further than into my eyes. "I beleive you Hannah and i don't think your a slut. I think your good and kind and the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. Your misunderstood and confused but if we don't stop him he will do this again. To somebody else."

Clay's P.O.V

I couldn't bare the thoughts. My mind couldn't help but imagine it. Him touching her. Hurting her. Scarring her. Worst of all he broke her. He broke the girl i am so in love with leaving her with nothing but these haunting memories to wear on her back like a blanket of barbed wire. I could see it in her face, she was tired. I didnt know what else to do. I wasn't any good at this. At girls, or reading them or what to do when they did certain things. I knew what the right thing to do was but i didnt know what was right for Hannah. She was red and puffy and looked like she needed a  break. "Han, thank you. For... for telling me everything. We don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to." I saw her shoulders loosen from their position by her neck. I knew there was no way Hannah was ready to talk to people about the attack "Hannah, I'm not going to do anything about Bryce. Not until your ready. I mean if your ever ready. Wait i mean... I don't know I'm no good at this stuff." She laughed a little bit, rubbing her eyes and tucking her hair behind one ear. I unzipped my bag and pulled out something that would make her laugh "Tootsie roll?" I asked waving it at her and sniggering. "Get away from me with that thing Clay Jenson." She said laughing, running back, squeaking, from the garden.

Hannah's P.O.V

A few days had passed since i had told Clay everything. He hadn't come over since then. I think he had maybe sensed that i needed to be alone for a while. I didnt need to be alone. I only ever felt alone unless i was with him. I couldn't expect him to be a built in my boyfriend and live under my stairs- wait did i say boyfriend? I meant...what did i mean? I didnt know wether or not we were dating. We were always saying how much we loved each other but he had never officially asked me and i had never officially asked him. Clay was a very nervous boy and i suppose the fear of rejection made him, well nervous but i wanted him to ask. I really did. I decided that it had been too long since i had seen him. I hadn't been out of the house for weeks, not since well you know what. When i stepped outside the air was breathless. Like the wind had been stolen from it. The temperature was warm and thick and the trees were greener than green. It felt strange to be outside, to be walking the way i walked to Clay's house in the past. Tracing my steps and thinking about seeing it again when i thought i never would was so odd. It was a good odd though. Like Clay. A very good odd. I got to Clay's door and knocked softly, standing awkwardly waiting for a reply.

Clay's P.O.V

I swung open the door and saw her standing there. Hannah always had this glow. Like the sun shone through her body. Her smile greeted me and a usual "Hey helmet". I hadn't been expecting her. I had wanted to go see her for days but i didnt know wether that was right. Wether she needed time or something. I just didnt want to upset her by always being on top of her so i didnt come. Seeing her smile lit me up. "Hannah, hey." I said. She wrapped her arms round my neck and i hugged her too, squeezing her and lifting her off the floor a little. "Where have you been hiding then Clay?" She said smiling suggestively. This made me nervous. Had i upset her? Should i have stayed with her longer? "Oh I'm sorry i um thought you might need space? Im really um-" She cut me off giggling and rolling her eyes. "Teasing" She said wide eyed. I let out a sigh of relief and took her in. Her hair and the spiralling curls that fell over her shoulder as it was beginning to get longer again, the softness of her eyes and smile. She was beginning to look much less faded. It was like when you have to scratch a pay card with a penny to get to the yellow parts under the grey. I just needed to help scratch away the sadness and the Hannah i knew was starting to reappear. She grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the street "Ice cream?" She said rubbing her thumb over the top of my hand. "Sure".


New chapter, sorry its been a little while! Hope you enjoy xxx

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