Chapter 15 *Dead*

Start from the beginning

"Thank god"I said than sit on the cheer

"Where is Everyone?"I asked

"They went Home , school"He said

"Ok"I said

"You should go it's school"He said

"No no way I am not leaving"I said

"What about school?"He asked

"I am not going of course I am not gonna leave stiles"I said

"I am with him don't worry"He said

"Say whatever you want but I am not leaving"I said than he gives me a smile

"Ok"He said than sit next to me


"Tori.Tori"I hear the sheriff's voice
I open my eyes

"Hey sheriff"I said

"Hey , stiles is awake you can go see him"He said

"Really ok"I said than stand up and went to stiles's room.

"Stiles"I said running to him he was laying down on the bed

I kissed him lips than pull away

"Oh my god I was so worry about you"I said than hugged him than pull away

"I am ok"He said

"I should had stayed with you "I said

"It's ok tori"He said than hugged him again

"Oh my god thank god your Ok , I love you"I said

"I love you too"He said than he.moved a little so I can lay down next to him

I lay down next to him and put my head on his chest listening to his heart beat

"I won't leave you ever again I promise"I said

"I know"He said


"Stiles, just to warn you, you're going to hear a lot of noise during the MRI. It's due to pulses of electricity going through metal coils inside the machine. Uh, if you want we can get you earplugs or headphones"The doctor said

"Oh, no, no, I don't need anything"Stiles said

"hey, we're just on the other side of that window. Okay? "Sheriff said

"Okay"Stiles said than the doctor and sheriff and mrs mcCall left us to talk to stiles

"You know what they're looking for, right? It's called frontotemporal dementia. Areas of your brain start to shrink. It's what my mother had. It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers. And there's no cure"Stiles said

My heart is broken I lost my other and now I am gonna lose the guy that I love

" Stiles, if you have it, we'll do something. I'll do something"Scott said than they hugged each other so hard than pull away and Scott left us

"Tori?"He said

"Dont say anything please , you going to be Ok I promise , I'll do anything to make sure your Ok , because I love you I love you so much"I said

"It could kill you Tori your magic is killing you"He said

"I don't care all I want is for you to be ok"I said than I hugged him so hard

"I love you stiles , Our love is strong hold on in to that "I said

"I love you too tori"He said than I pull away. And kissed him he kissed me back than pull away

"I'll be waiting outside"I said

"Ok"He said

"Love you"I said

"Love you too"He said than I left him

I went outside the room and saw Scott and Derek

"Hey derek"I said

"Hey tori"he said than I sit next to Scott

Scott and Derek kept talking but I didn't listen to them
all I can think about now is stiles
I can't lose him , I'll do anything to make sure he's ok
I can't lose him because he all I have I love him so much

"Tori"Scott said

"What?"I asked

"We are going to do something , stay here ok?"He said

"Ok"I said than he and Derek Left

I'll him help , yeah it could kill me but I don't care

Than the lights went off than come back again

"What the hell was that"I said than sheriff come out of the room

"Stiles's gone"He said

"What?"I said

"I don't know where he is"He said

"Ok ok calm down I'll go look for him"I said

I left he sheriff and start to look around the hospital
Something is wrong
Everyone is paincing

"Fuck it"I said than closed my eyes

"Vis porta Vis Porta Vis porta"I said
Than I get. A vision of stiles
Talking with a woman

Than I opened my eyes and walked to the elevator and saw stiles there but the woman was gone

"Stiles what the hell"I said than he turn to me with a smile
That not stiles's smile

"You are not stiles"I said

"Correct"He said walking closer to me

"Who are you?"I asked

"who am I , I am the one who been feed off of your power thank you by the way"He said

"Get out of his body right now"I said

"And why would I do that"He said

"Because I am going to kill you"I said

"Mots"I said pointing my hand at him but nothing Works

He start laughing

"Mots"I said but again Nothing works

"You can't use your magic on me"He said than he grabbed my both hands

"Because I Eat it"He said

Than I felt like the life beening suck out of me

"Ahhh stop"I screamed

"Of course not"He said than blood come out of my nose

"Stiles. Is screaming right now he want to let you go"He said than I fall on my knees

"Ahhh it hurts stop"I screamed

"No I won't , I want you to Die"He said than he let go of my arms

"What what did you do?"I asked

"I just killed you"He said with a. Smile on his Face

Than he walked away

"No"I said than suddenly blood came out of my mouth
I fall on my back
I can feel myself dying
Than everything went black

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