Chapter 2 *Good Talk*

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Tori's pov

"Can I borrow Clothes?"I asked

"You don't have to ask"Stiles said than open his cloest and grabbed clothes for me

"Ok"I said than about to walk to the bathroom

"You can change here I won't look"He said

"I am gonna take a shower"I said

"Oh ok"He said than I smiled

"You are cute stiles"I said than walked to the bathroom , I enter the Bathroom and closed the door behind me

I looked at myself in the mirror

What happen to me?
What Did I do to deserve all of this?
I never hurt anyone , so this can happen to me?

I grabbed the scissor and cut my hair , I made it short but not so short I need a change in my life

than took a shower, after the shower I dress up and went back to stiles's room

"You look good"He said looking at my hair

"I needed to change it "I said

"Its a good look on you"He said

"Thank you"I said than I lay down on his Bed and he lay down next to me

"Its getting late we should sleep"Stiles said

"Ok"I said than he closed the light of the lamp and we fall a sleep

I was sleeping peacefully until I hears Stiles screaming Really loud
I woke up fast

"Stiles stiles calm down"I said trying calming him down than Mrs stilinski enter the room

"Stiles it's just a dream"I said he hugged Stiles trying to calm him down

"I am ok I am ok"He said than Mrs Stilinksi looked at him

"That didn't sound ok at all"I said

"I am ok now , it was just a nightmare"He said

"Are you sure your Ok?"Mrs stilinski asked

"I am ok dad , you should go to sleep"stiles said to his father

"Go Mrs stilinski I am with him don't worry"I said than Mrs stilinski left the room

"What the hell was that?"I asked

"Nightmare"He said than he turn around his back faceing me , than I hugged him and we fall a sleep


"Stiles wake up"I said waking stiles up

"I am up I am up"He said than I stand up from the bed and went to the bathroom
Than went back to the Room and saw stiles shirtless

I kept looking at him

"Tori? I mean Dylan"he said

"Oh yeah sorry , The bathroom is yours"I said

"Ok"He said than went to the bathroom

I took off my clothes and dress my clothes

Than stiles comes back

"So I am gonna dress up"he said

"Oh ok"I said than I turn around

"You know we are boyfriend and girlfriend You shouldn't be shy around me"I said

"I am not shy , we just didn't go to the next level"He said

"And what is it?"I asked

"Sex"He said

"I am done"he said than I turn around

"Sex"I said

"Yeah sex"He said

"I am a virgin"I said

"Me too"He said than Mrs Stilinski enter the room holding a box

"Hey you all right? You ready for school"Mr Stilinski said

"Yeah yeah , I'm good Dad seriously it's fine , it was just a nightmare"Stiles said

"And I made sure He didn't have it again"I said

"What's that?"Stiles asked his dad about the box

"That's just , uh files from the office"Mr stilinski said

"It says sheriff's station do not remove"stiles said

"He's the Sheriff , stiles"I said

"Oh"stiles said

"Now you two get your butts to school all right"Mr stilinski said

"So you a virgin?"I asked

"Yes"He said

"Then we should have sex"I said

"What? Are you serious?"He asked

"Yeah"I said

"I should be the one to say that but ok"he said

"Ok good talk , let's go"I said than we left the room

[3] Love .... Stiles Stilinski (Control book 3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant