d e a r r e a d e r,

684 111 21

this a reminder to you:

you are an empire.

you can stand on your own.

it's beautiful when someone shares the world with you, i know.

but the world won't become any less beautiful than it was, when they go.

be grateful to those, who taught your eyes how to cry.

be grateful to those, who left when they shouldn't have.

because if you hadn't lost them, how could you have found yourself?

but most importantly,

be grateful to those, who were aching to stay.

who were bleeding to stay,

who were willing to stay,



but still,

had to leave.

even if, it ripped their souls apart.

even if, it shattered their hearts.

so please, please don't cry that its over,

just smile,

because it was.

goneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang