Chapter 9 Sophia's POV

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As Kian thanked me, I realized I had made the right decision and that one thing is real in my life and that is I love Kian. The saddest part is I know he doesn't love me back because he loves the new girl.
Kian is gone now and it's just me and the butler in the kitchen. The butler looks up at me from the ground and I stare at him dead in the eyes.

"It's not nice to stare." I say sharply

"It is also not nice to kick someone in the crotch." He replays

"I don't feel bad about it so deal with it."

"Is that your feelings or your mental illness's feelings?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask feeling scared.

I Watch as he pulls himself off the ground, he stares at me as he does it. He smiles at me and says,

"You know what I'm talking about, and the first step to getting help is admitting that you have a problem." 

"What I mean is how.. Do you know about that?"

"Oh that, well let's just say I keep my eye on my favorites"

"Favorite... What?" I asked almost fully scared of him now.

He laughs at me.

"You are my favorite person that I have ever met. That's why I had Rebecca killed off, so that you and Kian could be together. But you messed that up." 

"You... You had her killed?"

"That doesn't matter now."

Tears fill up my eyes, I didn't want her to die.
It's all my fault. 

"Don't feel bad, technically it was Kian's fault for wanting to kill himself." He said

I start crying. I had no idea that he felt that way.
I am a terrible person and this butler is right. I do need help.

"Now, follow me." He says as he walks over to the door and opens it for me.

"What makes you think that I want to follow you?" I say to him

"After all I just told you, you still don't trust me?" 

"You could be leading me to my death."

"Well I'm not. I just want to show you something that you may or may not want to do but the choice is yours."

"... Fine." I say

"Good choice."


After a long walk through the mansion the butler finally stops at a door with a purple ribbon tied around the door knob. He then opens the door and I feel a rush of cool air as he fully opens the door my eyes have to adjust to the lighting change. When they finally adjust I see that it's the outside world and it looks to be night. I feel excited and really tired at the same time.

"Do you want to leave?" Asks the butler

"What's the catch?" Almost feeling like this isn't real.

"Oh it's not much, you just have to agree never to come back here and never call the police." 

"Agreed!" I said without thinking

Now I can get the help I need.

"If you break this deal, I will hunt you down and kill you, no one will ever find your body."

A quick shiver of fear rolls down my spine but I know that I won't betray him. I hope that Kian  makes it out okay and he finds happiness with Amanda. 
I feel a pit in my stomach for doing this but how am I going to help them? Also no body really cares about me in there and if Tyler loves me it won't matter because he is crazy. On the other hand so am I.

"I have called an Uber to come pick you up and take you home. Should be here in 10 minuets." Said the butler


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