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After we finished eating we started talking about what we like to do for fun and other stuff like that. It felt like a date but I don't know if he thinks it is.

"Do you remember me Sophia" He said

"Of course I do, Gavin." I said confused

"That is not my name, why do you not remember me?" He said confused

"Gavin You're scaring me." I said feeling a little queasy

"Sophia, I'm your older brother, Tyler." He said as his hand slowly grabbed my hand

I quickly jerked my hand away from him and I pushed my chair back so that I could stand up, but he quickly pushed his chair back and stood up too.

"I didn't mean to scare you, but it's driving me crazy that you don't remember me." He said in a disappointed voice.

I looked at him and studied his face. All I see is Gavin and not some Tyler. As I study him a little more I notice that he is grabbing something out of his pocket, after he has pulled it out I notice that it's a crumpled up picture. He unfolds the picture and shows me a picture of a guy with short black hair, brown eyes, and a built body. The man in the picture is wearing a typical western cowboy outfit, white shirt, blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. In the corner of the page there is a note that says Keep On Smiling, Love Gavin Chase.

"Do, I look like him? He said

I look at him again and I see a different person. This guy has brown hair and brown eyes with a horseshoe mustache. What is happening to me? Why am I seeing a different person, then I did two seconds ago!? I start to cry, I feel like my whole world is a lie and it's too much for me to handle. I feel like my legs are made out of paper and I fall to the ground.

"Do you remember me now?" He asked


I decided that I'm going to help her so I give her a gesture to follow me, once I do she smiles at me and grabs the notebook before getting off the bed. We both exit the room and I follow her. I feel nervous about following her but I do it anyways, I'm not sure why but I feel like I can trust her. I smile at her as she leads me down a series of hallways. After a while, she opens the door to a dining room and right away I see Sophia on the ground and Gavin standing beside her. What has happened here?


Amanda and Kian enter the room and see that Sophia is on the ground. I look at my daughter and she runs over to me and gives me a hug. I embrace her and she looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Did Kian help you get out?" I asked still hugging her

"He wants to help us get out of here." She said

"Where? We have nowhere to go and you know that. I told her

"Maybe we can live with Kian for a while, I'm sure he won't mind," She said ",We can't say here."

"We have to take Sophia with us." I said pointing to Sophia on the ground

She smiled at me and I smiled back at her. When out of nowhere I heard it, The sound of the trumpet that triggers my hypnosis. Amanda quickly pulls away from me, she has a worried expression on her face. I feel myself change, the psychosis takes over me.

"NO!!" Amanda shouts

I hate Amanda! How could she think that she could ever escape? I pull a knife out of my pocket and walk slowly over to Amanda. She starts to run away from me, I love it when she does that, the chase is the best part.


I'm standing by the door as the girl is running towards it. I don't really understand what just happened one minute they were hugging and the next minute, the girl is running away from him. I open the door for her and she runs out of the room. I want to follow her but I don't want him leaving here just so he can catch her again. Gavin is close to the door now, so I decide to use my body as a block so he can't leave. I press my body against the door and stretch myself out because there are two doors.

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