The Letter

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I arrived at my house an hour after my curfew, so I knew my aunt would be mad, after the death of my parents I have been coming 'home' late. But today is the 27th time I have been late and this time she probably will ground me for a week. As I approached the house I saw there was a letter on the ground, this could be my reason for being outside. So I grabbed the letter and went inside. My Aunt's house is kind of small with green wallpaper with white tiled floors, except for my new room which has purple wallpaper and a wooden floor. I see my Aunt sleeping on the couch. She isn't awake, so I go up to my room as quietly as I can. I open my bedroom door and walk over to my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I can finally cry out loud to myself, I have been holding that in ever since their death, trying to be brave. I open the letter that I found outside. Nothing could be bad anymore. I think I've seen it all. Death, depression, insanity, heartbreak. I see that it is written in a calligraphic style. It says :

'Dear, Rebecca Honeybloom , we are very glad to tell you that you have been accepted to a grand party at Aventwich county estate there will be a buffet included. This party is hosted by a very rich and famous Gavin chase a mysterious singer/painter. Please RSVP by sending your facebook profile to us, our username is Gavin Chase. Please remember Gavin HATES photographs so no cameras. This party is an all Exclusive so don't tell anyone unless they have the invitation too. the party is at 7:00pm to midnight, Saturday'

Hhmm.... Who else would have this letter? Maybe they send this to all 17 year olds. I should call my best friend Kian Frechette to see if he got one. Kian is also 17. To be honest, I think I have a crush on him. I go into the hallway where we have a landline, I take the phone from the place it was being held and dialed his number, hopefully he is still up.


I heard my cell phone ringing and I knew it was Rebecca, she always calls me when she has to talk about something and since I just found this letter on my doorstep, it was obvious. I actually planned on calling her soon anyway. I answer the phone.

"Hello Rebecca." I say.

"Hi Kian." she replies.

"Whatcha need?"

"Did you by any chance get a letter? More like an invitation?"

"Yes I did actually. I was going to call you about the same thing."

"Oh good! You want to head out tomorrow?"

"Sure why not. Meet me at the Sycamore tree in the park. We can talk more there too. And we don't want your Aunt yelling at you because you're still awake."

"Your right. She is sleeping on the couch right now, but I don't know when she will be up. I guess I have to go. See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow." I say as I hang up the phone. I get up and walk over to my dresser. I change into pajamas, and climb into bed. Throwing my phone onto my desk.


I got a letter today! I was invited to a party! With THE Gavin Chase! I wonder who else got one? Maybe I will find them eventually. I just woke up from a nap. I don't plan on sleeping anytime soon, even though it is 11:30pm. I open my laptop and go onto google. I research some more information about Aventwich. It's a cute little estate. I can't wait! I open two other tabs. On one I pull up youtube, and listen to Nightcore-Sarcasm. On the other, I pull up Wattpad. I decide to read a story called Where We Go (#ShamelessAdvertising).


After I finish reading, I head into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and comb my fingers through my long black hair. I look myself in my brown eyes. Why doesn't Kian notice me? He is so cute!! With his blonde hair, icy blue eyes, freckles, and charming smile. I remember when I first met him. It was recess in elementary (Grade school). He was on the swings next to Rebecca. They always seemed really close. I get along with them, usually.

I walk back into my room and took a book off of the shelf. I open it. It is filled with a bunch of pictures of us three. Sometimes just me and Kian, sometimes just me and Rebecca. I put those ones towards the back, where I don't look very much. I look at the pictures with me and Kian, we look so cute together we would be the perfect couple. I desperately need the feeling of his hand in mine. I hope he got this letter too, maybe we might dance together, at least until Gavin Chase gets on the dance floor.



It is now 11:30 AM and I am getting ready to meet Kian at the sycamore tree. I go to my closet and grab an outfit and put it on. It's a white sweatshirt with my school logo on it and black jeans. My aunt steps into the room, her hands are on her hips.

"Where are you going?"

"I will be back in a couple of hours don't worry about it"

"You always say that but you never do, now answer the question where are you going?" she said angrily.

" I'm going to meet my friend Kian, is that a problem?"

My Aunt's mood lightened up and she took her hands off her hips.

" well don't be late" she said and then walked out of my room


I sat under the tree with Kian, the view around the tree is so beautiful I always get carried away in the view, the view is the reason I am always breaking curfew, it's my one place I can relax.

"So since the party is Saturday we have 2 days to get ready" said Kian calmly

"Why do you need 2 days to get ready? I can get ready in 1 hour" I said

"Don't you be jugging me" he said laughing

"Can you give me a ride to the party? I still haven't gotten my driver's licence."

"Sure, all I have to do is ask my mom for her car"

"Great, I hope this party is amazing, I have never been to a party hosted by a celeb before"


Kian's car pulled into my Aunt's driveway. I walk out of the house and up to his car, and get in. I look behind me and see Sophia in the back seat.

"Hello, Rebecca, it seems like you got a letter too." said Sophia  with a big wide smile on her face. 

Sophia was wearing a long black dress that hugged her skin. Her hair was curled and she had mascara on, obviously she was trying to look cute, probably for Gavin Chase.  

"Do you have the directions to the party?" I asked Kian

"Yep, the directions are in this GPS" Kian said pointing to the GPS on his dashboard

"Good, the last thing I want is to get lost and miss another curfew." I said, knowing what would happen if I am late again.


We finally pulled into this long, rocky driveway about 30 minutes after we left my house. There was trees all along the side of the path. It looked like we were in a forest.

"I can't wait!!" shrieks Sophia

Soon enough, we see a big  white house with few steps that lead up to the front door. There is a light next to the door that turns on just as we stop the car in front of the house. I step out of the car and notice something strange. There were no other cars in the driveway.  

"where is everyone? are we early?" I said

There was no answer. So, I turn around to see where they were and then all I could see was blackness, I could feel that something was over my face and I felt something being tied around my hands. Was I being kidnapped? I tried to get away, but something round hit me in the head and I was out.   


I Woke up and I was no longer blind, and I was sitting in a chair but I was no longer tied up. I decided to get up and look around, for the most part I was in a small room with nothing in it. there was a wooden door in front of me so I went straight to it with hope that it was unlocked. It wasn't. I was trapped.   

"Help!! someone, PLEASE!!" I said with my fists banging against the door

Author's note: I hope you liked the beginning of this story.

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