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Bay's POV

I was at a party with pretty much the entire school.

I took a sip of beer as I stood with Wes, who was also drunk.

"Listen, you DORK I wanna go swimmin." Wes slurred.

"Well, you go swimming. I am gonna go sit down." I said.

"Ok." Wes laughed, as he stumbled towards the front door.

I threw myself on the floor and sat with my legs crossed.

I rocked myself back and forth, singing the ABC's.

"Bay? Oh my god, Bay, is that you?" I heard another drunk guy laughing.

I looked up.


He laughed. "Why are you sitting-"

"Come sit with me." I yelled, laughing. I grabbed his hand and ya left him to the ground.

He sat with me, crossing his legs too.

"You know what I like about you?" I said, playing with his hair.


"It's a secret." I laughed.

"Oh ok then."

I smacked his forehead. "I love you, brother."

"I'm not your brother. Wait....am I?"

"I so think."

"Am I? I thought I was Hayes Grier."

"No, Benjamin. You are my brother." I laughed, wrapping my arm around his neck and rocking us.

"Let's be honest, you not a slut." Hayes said. "Yea I am." I sighed.

He kicked his feet in the air. "I am a slut. You are a LOSER." He yelled.

I pulled his hair. "I am a slut. Stop insulting me, Benji. I is a sluuuuut, not a loooooser."

He layed his head on my lap, and he sprawled his legs across the kitchen floor.

"You have pretty hair." "Thanks."

"What bra size are you?" He asked.

"C." I sighed, closing my eyes.

"I thought so."

"How long have you bin wondering?" "Like, four months."

"I thought you hated me." "No." He sighed.

He waved his feet in the air.

"Aren't we siblings?" He asked.

"No, Taylor is my brother. You are my boyfriend."

His eyes widened. "I am?" He yelled.

"Are you?" I replied.

"I don't know." He twirled my hair.

I covered his eyes with my hand. "Guess who."

"Um.....is this Nash?"

"Do I sound Nash like?"

I took my hand away. "Bay! When did you get here?" He yelled.

I laughed. "You're so cute."

"I know."

I moved his head onto the ground and stood up, giving him a hand up and we both almost fell over.

"Lets leave this joint!" I screamed, holding Hayes's hand and pulling him towards the door.

"I want tattoo a" he slurred.

"Let's get go you one."

"Really?" "Why not?"

We walked outside, and it was raining.

We both were soaked in rain water as I dragged him down the street.

"You should get a giant star on your back."

"Oh my god I should. Should I?"

I looked back at him. "YES! TOTALLY!"

He smiled. "Lets go." He said, holding my hand and skipping down the street.

"LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LAAAAA" I screamed as I skipped with him.

He stopped skipping which caused me to almost fall, since I was holding his hand.

I looked back at him. "What happened?"

"I just realized....wow I fuckin love you."

"I thought you hated me?"

"Well, tonight made me realize that we need to get married."

"We do?" I screamed.

"Yes! We should go to VEGAS!" He yelled.

"Oh my god we should! Let's go to your house and get Nash's car! And GO TO VEGAS! WE should elope!"

"But we need someone 18 or older." He sighed.

"I KNOW! Matt was at the party! He's 18! We should go and get him and tell the vegas people he's my dad!"

"Will they us believe?"

"Probably, I kinda look like him."

"LETS GO!" He screamed, dragging me back towards the party.

We're going to Vegas.

5+ comments

Kinda a filler chapter 😂 but kinda a funny one too.

Are they rlly gonna get eloped though while their drunk?😱

Slut ; H.G.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora