Prove it

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Name P.O.V

"Any questions?" Christopher asked the class. Nobody asked anything and stayed silent. Yukio sensei then talked. "Thank you for letting us know. Everybody go and prepared, we will meet in the entrance in half our."

Everybody went to prepared. I stood up and my brother gave me a nod to follow him and I walked outside with my twins siblings.

We went out at the fountain. I gave to both of them a tight squeezy hug. "I missed both of you so much!" I said as long as I was in my siblings hug.

"We missed you too, (F/n)-chan!" Ramona winked and then told me. "You still didn't have tell me about the boy..."

Chris glared at her and I realised that something serious was going on. Ramona mumbled. "What's wrong Chris?"

He looked around to make sure that nobody was around and whispered. "Both of you must be very careful."

My sister and I blinked. "What's wrong oni-san?" I asked my brother.

"All of us are targets."

Ramona yelled. "What do you mean?"

"Keep it quiet. The three of us and everybody who is related with Lavender Faction." He looked very worried and that was bad.

"By who?" I whispered.

"We still don't know. But whoever are they, they want to bring down Surigen." He explained.

"But Surigen will be alright! He is one of the strongest exorcist and----...." Ramona started saying with confidence but Chris cut her words off.

Chriss crossed his arms and signed. "For this reason they are targeting us. Because they can not fight against Surigen, they want hostages. And we are most afraid of you (F/n). If they want our brother then they will come for the weakest member of the family. Surigen and I talked with Mephisto. We want you (F/n) to go back to Lavender Mansion until everything is over."

"B-but Chris I have improved and now I----....." I tried to protested but .....

"We don't know who are they and you are still an Esquire."

"NO! I want to help!"

"You need to understand."

"NO! You need to understand! I always was the little sister who was in danger and could do anything to help! I want not only to help with the water but also the faction and our family!!! I have become stronger! I can fight and take care of myself!!!"

"(F/n)! You are going back home!!!!"

I continued refusing. "NO WAY!!! If they want Surigen-san then I will not allow them to hurt any of us!!!"

"It's for your protection!!!"

Bon P.O.V

We were heading to the entrance and met in our way Okumura sensei. At the yard, near the fountain we heard loud voices. We noticed (F/n) with her siblings and she had a fight with her brother.

"NO! I want to help!" She told him

"You need to understand." He answered her.

"NO! You need to understand! I always was the little sister who was in danger and could do nothing to help! I want not only to help with the water but also the faction and our family!!! I have become stronger! I can fight and take care of myself!!!"

"(F/n)! You are going back home!!!!"

I continued refusing. "NO WAY!!! If they want Surigen-san then I will not allow them to hurt any of us!!!"

"It's for your protection!!!" Then she stayed silent and stared at him.

We looked Okumura sensei when they told about a faction and the name Surigen.

Then a bell rang on my head. I knew that name. "Surigen Lavender." I mumured.

The Yukio talked. "That's right. Surigen Lavender the man who has gave a different philosophy to many excorcist. He is as strong as the palladin but much wiser. He has create Lavender Faction where many exorcist has join him and he is a combat genious, he has create many weapons and supplys many exorcist. All of them best of quality. A powerful and balanced man who is not easy to bring down. Unfortunately, (F/n) will not be with us for some time, she has been target by her brother's enemies."

"Yukio! Is her brother so strong?" Rin asked him.


Target?! (F/n) must be on a big danger. My heart beat raised worridly. What if something happen to her? Will I be able to see her smile again?

I looked at (F/n). She was a little sister of Surigen Lavender. Her cheeks where puffy and her (e/c) eyes where ready to tear up. I just wanted to keep her safe in my arms. I hated to see those tears. I recall in my memory what she had told me about her siblings.

  My siblings were always there to protect me and teach me new things.... But I can't always depend on my siblings and the three of them are very strong and can take care of everything. I always admired them.... I just want to be able to prove them that what they ever did for me was worthing it. I will become a strong knight one day and they will be proud for me.... I know maybe this sounds stupid but I really want it.  

Then I came to reality when I heard her yelling back to her brother.

"I just want to make you proud! I really can protect what is important to me!!!" She cried and swept her tears away with her sleeve.

"(F/n), you still have a lot to learn but if you believe that then....." Christopher pulled out his two swords and smirked. "Then prove it."

(F/n) looked up at her brother. She cleaned her pooled eyes and returned with a small smirk. She whistled and Muggle came to her flying. Muggle noticed the sence and changed his form into a sword. (F/n) grabbed him and posed ready for combat.

"Let's do this."

This is the symbol of Lavender Faction

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This is the symbol of Lavender Faction. I though it from the name I gave to the oldest brother of the family and the creator of the faction. Surigen Lavender. I made it by myself. I hope you like it and my story so far!!!

I am waiting for your comments!!!! They are sooo helpful and I enjoy them a lot!!! Kisses! 

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