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Name P.O.V

The day had over from the regular school lesson and I had a small break before the cram school lesson would started. I went back to my room and saw a sleeping Muggle. I closed the door behind me and let my bag on the floor.

"Muggle, wake up." I shook him a little but nothing. "Muggle, cram school will start soon. We gonna become exorcists!!!" 

Muggle woke up and started flying around me happily. "We gonna have fun!!! Finally! Finally!Finally!"

I prepared my bag for cram school. Muggle was flying next to my shoulder and I put the key Mephisto gave me and opened the door. I was in a different hall and walked. I remembered Yukio's directions and walked into a class. There I saw some students and Yukio.

"Hi, Yukio-sensei." I smiled and turned to the class. "Welcome, (F/n). Well, everyone this (F/n) Lavender and she is a new student."

I bow my head. "Nice to meet you everyone. I'm (F/n) and this is my familiar Muggle." Muggle danced on the air. "I'm so glad!!! We gonna have so fun!"

Some of them respond with a 'hi' or 'welcome' and Yukio-sensei told me to take a seat. I went in the middle behind a blonde girl and a navy blue hair boy. Then the whispers started on the class.

I was so excited and anxious but I wasn't worry. I had Muggle with me. Muggle sat on my desk excited and I opened my notebook. I wondered what they were whispering...

Bon P.O.V

Shima whispered to us. "She is so pretty~~~ I wonder if she has a boyfriend." My pink hair friend sang and checked out the new girl. Konekomaru was troubled with something and said. "Lavender.... Lavender.... I think I have heard it before but I can't remember.... Bon, do you know anything?" 

I looked the new girl, she was keeping notes and her familiar was listening Yukio-sensei. Muggle as she told us was looked like a weird flying white cat. I thought about what Konekomaru told me. "I think, I have heard it before but not sure..." I mumured. Lavender, Lavender,.... Ummm... No, couldn't remember...

"I don't know guys but she is a hottie." Shima ended up staring her. I had to admit she was a pretty girl but that didn't really matter. Lavender was there because she wanted to become an exorcist not a model... I hoped that she really wants to learn and not just passing her time and hold anybody else back... You know, like Okumura who never paid attention.

Rin P.O.V

The new girl was so prettyyyy~~~ and her familiar looked intresting. I turned my back with Shiemi and we talked to the new student. "Hi, I'm Okumura Rin and this is Moriyama Shiemi." Shiemi continued. "Welcome, (F/n). It's so nice to meet you."

(F/n) smiled. "Thanks and nice to meet you too."

"I'm here too!!!" Her familiar talked, I patted him head and he purred. "What are you Muggle?"

"I'm a Neko no batto. (Cat-bat)"

Then with Shiemi acted. "Sukeeee."

Time skip 

Name P.O.V.

Muggle was sitting on my head and the class gathered around me and I met everybody. They all looked nice and special with their way. A pink hair guy, name Shima tried to flirt with me but just Muggle started his cute little things and dragged the attention. This little guy really knew how to get me out of trouble. Miwa, the bold short guy with the glasses played with my familiar and the boys mentioned that he was a cat lover.

The boy with the earingns and the one stripe dyed blonde and the rest brown hair looked so cool and he asked me about meister. "So, (F/n) where are you targeting?"

Bon P.O.V

I asked her about what meister she wanted to be and then with a chuckled hugged and stroked her familiar. "Knight!"

"EEEEHHHH! KNIGHT! I don't think you can handle a sword." Okumura reacted surprised.

The (h/c) hair girl crossed her arms and her familiar on her head. "You never have seen me in combat. How can you judge?"

"I mean you are a girl and I imagined that you will be an aria or a tamer." Okumura explained.

"Tsk! You are so annoying." I just said and the fight between us started for one more time.

"What do you mean, Suguro! What's your problem?! I was talking with (F/n)!"

Name P.O.V

I was a little pissed off of what Rin told me but I really didn't believe that it was a worth reason of fighting. Whatever.... I just ignored them, when Shima told me that they were always like that. They were reminded me, my twins siblings and my oldest brother was always brake them apart on their stupid fights. But the twins were always together, even if they were fighting for no reason.

I talked with Shiemi. "(F/n)-chan, can you be my friend?"

The question surprised me but then I hugged her. "Sure, I'm so happy." She was a sweet girl but she needed more confidence. I met her familiar. Nii-chan. It was a very cute little creature and also asked me this...

"(F/n)-chan, why are you wearing an orange scarf and not the school uniform's?" 

I clenched the orange thin fabric around my neck. "Well, it was the last present from my mother." I stood up and took my things. "I'm so sorry everyone but I need to visit the rest room." I walked and entered the bathroom. I threw some water on my face, as I tried not to cry. I stared my scarf and whispered. "I missed you mum and dad."

Author note: Please guys! Let me know what are you thinking for my story! Thanks for reading and I'm trying to do my best. Please comment your opinion~~~

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