Physical Training

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Name P.O.V

I was in my room and changing my clothes. I wore a grey baggy pants and a (f/c) t shirt. 

"Finally!!! We gonna play! I was so bored here all day alone~" My familiar was excited about our next lesson in cram school. It was Physical Training. I made my hair as a ponytail and grabbed my sack. "Let's go Muggle!" I was excited too, some training was always making me feel better.

Small time skip 

I was sitting and watching Izumo and Shiemi on the field.

This teacher was different from Yukio-senei. His name was Kaoru Tsubaki. 

Tsubaki-sensei hads a defined chin, thick eyebrows, and very large sideburns on either side of his head, hence his nickname "Ol' Sideburns" (I heard some of the students called him that). He has short, brown hair and wears the standard teacher's uniform.

That day the exercise was to avoid those demons frogs.... Wait, no just running away. But avoid them like we were in real combat. What did this mean? Here is the answer.

"Girls! You need to approach the demons and provoke them. So they will want to attack you and then avoid them like you were in real fight... no, familiars and weapons allowed." Tsubaki-sensei explained. I found it very useful and smiled but Muggled was crying on my head. "I will not play with you." I stroked him gently. "Don't worry, Muggle. Next time."

"No fair... Bohooohoo~"

After a while Rin sat next to me. "How are you (F/n)?"

"Fine. What about you?" I smiled.

"Where is your sword?" He asked me and stared waiting for my answer.

I raised a brow. "Pardon me?" 

"I wanna see it. If you are a knight then you must have a sword." He had stars on his eyes and waiting.

I chuckled and decided to not tell him. "You will see it, when I'll need it." Muggle giggled too, after all he was my sword.

"EH? Come on! I want to see it! Pleaseee~"

"You heard what sensei told us. No weapons allow for today." I smiled and noticed the girls. Shiemi was in trouble but then professor pulled the level which was conected with the frog's chain.

"Girls, enough. Good job miss Kamiki. Shiemi you must be quicker and more focused." He told them.

"Y-yes, sensei." Shiemi said and the girls climb the stairs to come up to where we were sitting.

"I was worried for a moment. Shiemi needs more exercise, I think." I talked with worry.

Bon P.O.V

Shima was whining again. "Why everyone is trying hitting (F/n)-chan?"

"Shima, I think you are overreacting." Koneko told him. "What? Really? First, all those boys, after Bon and now Okumura too." I turned my head and frown. "Ehh?" He grinned. "Bon don't play dumb. I saw you earlier with (F/n). I don't blame you in trying hitting on her."

"WHAT?" I yelled and then everyone turned and looked at me. Then I whispered so only Renzo and Koneko could hear me. "I wasn't hitting on her. He were just talking." I blushed and took a sneak peek on her. She was laughing with something Okumura told her.

"Bon, you are blushing." Shima teased with a cheeky grin. "I am not blushing."

Then the teacher called. "Next Shima and Lavender."

Shima smiled wide. "Too sad, I'm with the pretty princess."

"Shut up!" I crossed my arms, Shima winked and I noticed my two classmates as the enter the field. Miwa said innocently. "Wow, Bon! Do you like her so much?" "Not you too, Konekomaru." "Whatever, I will go play with Muggle."He sang and played with Lavender's familiar. 'Stupid, Shima. I don't like her. I barely know her.'

Suddenly, I heard that. "Don't worry, (F/n)-chan. I am here to protect you."

A frog jumped and was ready to land on Shima.Lavender moved fast and threw some sand in the demon's eyes, as a result the frog got distracted and saved my stupid pink head friend. She glared to him. "You must first learn to protect yourself and after play the hero. Just focus!"

She run and provoked another frog. (F/n) was.... excessively good.

"Come on, (F/n)! You can do it!!" Okumura cheered and the rest of us except Kamiki looked impressed. "(F/n)-chan is so good." Shiemi admired her.

Name P.O.V

I rolled on the ground and stood again quickly on my feet. That challenge was not very hard but I had to focus. Shima.... was not doing so fine like me. A frog was sitting on him and he cried. "Help me."   I run as fast as I could and jumped on the giant frog. "Well, frogy let the boy alone. He is not eatable." I tried to move him but it didn't work.

"Ummm.... I have to find another way." I jumped of him and started clapping to get his attention. The frog turned to me and made a jumped to my direstion. 

Shima was finally free and I jumped back to avoid the frog. 

Professor stopped the frogs and told us. "Lavender, great reflectives and Shima be more focus next time." His phone rang and picked it up. "What is it honey?........ Wait for me my kitten!!!" He run and told us the class was over.

I wondered. "Did he said kitten?"

"It's not the first time." Rin said and Bon looked annoyed from our sensei.

"(F/n), concrats! I wish I could do that." Shiemi hugged me, I hugged her back. "It's not a big deal. I'm sure with some more training, you will make it."

"Make it? Ha!" The purple hair girl laughed. I frown. "What's exactly your problem?" "I'm not going to waist my time with you."

She said and left. "Don't mind her Shiemi. Everything needs training, that's all."

"Where is Muggle by the way?" I asked. "Well, he found a new friend!" The blonde smiled and I saw him play with a black cat. "This is Kuro. Okumura's familiar." Koneko told me. "He is so cute." I went and stroked the two cats.

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